Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals

Word count:35810

[Music] you all right welcome to conscious politics part 4 where we will be discussing concrete conscious policy proposals this will be the last part of this series although I will also be speaking about various political topics in the future as well but let's dig into this so see conscious politics we've we've talked about the various principles and the foundations that's all important all that theory but it's rather abstract and it can come off as idealistic and utopian philosophy it's very importantly understand that that's not enough of course having the right principles foundation and theory and the big picture understanding of how government works and what it does for us all the historical background that's all good that's very important but now we got to find concrete ways of implementing all of that stuff and I'm going to give you a large list here of items these will be very specific policy proposals now I'm mostly going to be talking about proposals for America because of course you know different countries already have different systems in place I can't possibly talk about them all but also understand that if you're in Europe or some other country the things that I'm talking about are aren't quite globally applicable not just to America but to many countries around the world some countries already have the stuff implemented and some countries are a hundred years away from implementing some of this stuff because they're they're nowhere there yet but it gives you a general sense of which direction we need to go in also keep in mind that these proposals I'm about to give you I'm not dogmatic about them I don't hold them firmly as some ideology that it needs to happen I'm empirical about it so what I'm saying is that these proposals seem like they would work but of course we understand that as systems thinkers you know society is a complex thing and we acknowledge that sometimes we can be wrong about our policy ideas and oftentimes an idea sounds good but then when you implement it it's terrible or it backfires and does the opposite of what you wanted it to so if any of these proposals are implemented and they don't work the way they're supposed to we change them we change them to something better that's how it works so don't get caught up in perfectionism here government is not about perfectionism it's just about gradual incremental improvements but also at the same time it's about systemic change all of these proposals are going to be hitting at core issues not superficial stuff and also some of these ideas that I'll be offering they can be implemented immediately today in America or some of them are gonna be quite radical and quite advanced and it'll take 50 or 100 years before we can implement them so I'll have a mix of both of these right remember that one of the problems with our politics right now is that we only think one election cycle ahead four years ahead if even that and that's a very bad way to plan society so some of the stuff I'm going to be saying here is gonna be shocking and radical but only because what I'm looking at is a very long time horizon I'm looking 50 or 100 years into the future you see so in that sense it's not radical and it's not each Hope ian's just keep that in mind all right so these are in no particular order it's a it's gonna be a long list but this first item I think is the one that I'm most attached to and I think is the most important because it affects everything else so much criminalization of money in politics and corporate lobbying is my first proposal right now what we have especially in America is a system of legalized bribery where corporations and rich donors millionaires and billionaires can use their money to influence elections and to basically manipulate the entire system towards their advantage and that's exactly of course what they do and knowing how survival works we can expect and predict that that's exactly how they would behave if they're allowed to do that so my proposal is to pass a constitutional amendment that actually bans all money in politics and reinforces the idea of one person one vote that is the core idea behind democracy right now it might seem on the surface that we have one-person one-vote because nobody gets to actual physical vote to the ballot box but in practice we don't the system has been so manipulated by Devils over the last 200 years since the country was founded that what we have in practice is that the people with money the corporations the millionaires and billionaires the people with the connections and the power that they get more than one vote which is not what the founders intended and which is what is skewing the entire system out of balance see even though a billionaire doesn't technically have more than one vote in practice he does because he can use those billions of dollars to fund political campaigns run advertisements create propaganda channels on the internet you know fund various kinds of disinformation campaigns all this sort of stuff create fundraisers and galas and dinners and various kinds of fake charities and nonprofit organizations all of this to influence politicians to get close to politicians and to ultimately get them to pass what he wants them to pass or to select the politicians that people can vote on see this is a huge problem and of course corporations are are the worst offenders here because corporations have more money than any one individual and they have a vested interest to rig the system but if you think about it corporations have no vote whatsoever under the Constitution they don't get a vote at all and yet what we have now in America is we have corporations mostly controlling politics so how backwards is that they're not even supposed to have a vote and yet they have more voting power than anybody else even though they don't physically go to the to the ballot box what they can do is they can run they can fund and run these various kinds of corporate PACs dark money coming from all sorts of sources the money has not tracked all of this is corruption it's legalized corruption its corruption has been so normalized that people just accept it as how business is done in Washington this is a huge problem and we need to get back to one-person one-vote and we need to do this constitutionally because the Supreme Court has made a series of quite problematic decisions about money being free speech and this idea that you can just hand people bags of money and do these fundraisers and speeches and so forth and that all of this is just free speech and it's all protected no this is this is devilry is what this is money is not free speech and you are not allowed to give a bag of money to a judge or to a police officer or to a professor to get a good grade that's called bribery and this is exactly what's happening within politics it's just so normalized that we don't think of it the system is so entrenched and steeped in this corruption in this bribery so to fix this I think we need a constitutional amendments but it's very clear and very strong and there's no more debate or wishy washing us about about money and politics it just needs to be stopped and all politics need to be publicly financed I mean all elections need to be publicly financed yes that cost the taxpayer some extra money but actually this is a huge return on investment that will get us taxpayers because right now we lose so much tax money from all the corruption and bribery that's been legalized all the lobbying all the corporate subsidies for the military-industrial complex for Big Oil for pharmaceuticals all of this sort of stuff we lose literally billions hundreds of billions and even trillions of dollars because we don't have public financing of Elections it's it's it's quite quite ridiculous and obnoxious so in this way we can really clean up government and yup funds by not wasting funds in the wrong areas due to lobbying and various kinds of pork projects we can free up those funds to really fund the social projects that are necessary which I'll be talking about as we move down the list we also need an abolition of gerrymandering gerrymandering is an absurd absurd practice again the Supreme Court is not doing a very good job of cracking down on this gerrymandering goes again against this idea of one-person one-vote you should not be able to have more voting power than any other person in a democracy as soon as that stops being the case all sorts of corruption and shenanigans ensue and that's what we have right now there is no reason why if you own a billion dollars you should have more voting power than someone who works at McDonald's or Starbucks yeah that's exactly the case a billionaire right now can just go fund his own election this should be impossible under the new system abolition of gerrymandering you know gerrymandering is the redrawing of district lines in such a way that the politicians are actually picking their voters rather than the voters picking the politicians we need to have independent counsels of objective nonpartisan people or we can do it through computer algorithm or whatever in order to redraw all the district lines across the entire country such the the districts are unbiased fair and roughly equal and even rather than these jerry men or monstrosity x' which we see today because that is robbing people of their voting power we also I think need to abolish the Electoral College because if we take a look in American politics the last few elections especially with the election of George W Bush and Donald Trump you know they didn't win the popular votes not really you know people say oh well the polls were so wrong Leo how can you trust the polls you know Trump beat all the polls they said he was gonna lose well actually Trump did lose he lost by 3 million votes so we're actually not in as bad a situation as it might seem because really it's the electoral college that's been trippin stuff up imagine if the election of George W Bush and Donald Trump never happened because there was no electoral college that would be a much better outcome no Iraq war for example in which we lost trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of needless people were killed so so yeah the people are actually not that stupid if you actually let their will be heard and let them vote so the very things that the electoral college was supposed to protect us from in the last few election cycles it actually did the exact opposite of that and it's cost us billions and even trillions of dollars so so all this goes into sort of cleaning up the whole system also we need to make voting a lot more accessible as accessible as possible whether that means online voting or automatic voter voter registration all of this should be possible and made secure election day should be made a federal holiday so that people can get to the polls the polls need to be done in such a manner that there aren't long lines it should take you only 15 minutes to vote not waiting in line for four hours this is absurd because that discourages people from voting we also need to eliminate closed primaries and caucuses that's important because these limit the accessibility of voting especially in the primaries and we need stronger primaries the general elections are not good enough we also need strong primaries the problem right now with primaries that many states have closed primaries which means that you have to be a registered Democrat or Republican to vote in that primary but for example like I live in Nevada I I want to go to a primary and vote but I can't because I'd have to register as a Democrat and Republican I don't really want to register as either one of those I'm sort of forced to if I want to participate in primaries but it's even worse because in Nevada we have closed caucuses which are even worse than closed primaries which means that if I want to participate in this next primary the Democratic one I have to go to this caucus this caucus is some arcane process of going to some giant convention hall with a bunch of other people and caucusing with them literally spending hours like three or four hours discussing the different candidates and the different issues and then we have to convince each other who our candidate should be like it's it's a it's a quite arcane system that doesn't scale well to to modern times maybe it would have worked 200 years ago but it don't work today and it's too inaccessible for most people so we need to replace that with just quick and simple primary primaries and make the primaries open some states have that and that's what we need more of we also need a multi-party system with rank-choice voting what we have right now in America is problematic this this two-party system which becomes very stale and very partisan and voting for third parties is basically impossible you're just wasting your vote because they have no chance of winning and there's no point in voting for them because your vote doesn't really count towards anything in a multi-party system with the rank-choice voting that means you can vote for different candidates even third party candidates well uh Congress people and so forth and there's like a legislature and then a certain percentage of the legislature gets filled with the with the party like the libertarian party with the Green Party whatever other kind of party that didn't win the majority but they still have some members in a legislature or in Congress this would be a much better system we really need more competition between parties no conservatives always say that competition improves everything well how about more competition within the political party system that would really help another cool idea I have is we have a wonderful system in us in the states where you can pass ballot initiatives with various propositions every time there's a new election every couple of years you hear this you see signs on the streets or it's like vote Yes on Prop 55 or vote no against prop 13 or something like that and this is great but why is it only happening at the state level why can't we have propositions at the federal level this is true democracy propositions required that you get a bunch of signatures so maybe if if you could get a hundred thousand signatures or a million signatures for federal propositions then that proposition will be on the ballot next time you go to vote so you're not just gonna be voting for a president or first senator or congressman you're gonna be voting all these different propositions and we can have propositions like legalizing marijuana or gun regulation or whatever other popular ideas are out there that people want because right now one of the problems we have in in America is that our Congress is so gridlocked that they don't actually bring popular issues to vote in the Senate or in the house and this could quickly get resolved through federal propositions because there are a lot of issues that need to be resolved that could be quickly resolved that are very popular that have a support from the majority of Americans there are certain things that like a majority of Americans would vote tomorrow to legalize marijuana I think a majority of Americans would vote tomorrow like over 80% or even over 90% would vote for some kind of sensible gun regulation background checks that sort of stuff so why isn't this stuff getting passed in Congress well because it's so gridlocked so one way to break through that gridlock is just let the people have their propositions get signatures have a have a fair process for getting these signatures and getting these propositions we also need a ban on lobbyists holding public office this is a huge problem right now that we have and it's especially bad under Trump but it's always been there even before Trump it's there even with Democrats as well although it's certainly worse under conservatives because they don't really believe in a strong government so what they do is they get corporate lobbyists who Lobby the government professionally they earn millions of dollars doing they corrupt the government by doing this but that's not enough for them then what they do is they get appointed by the people who win the elections and they get appointed to various regulatory positions in the EPA or in the Energy Department or wherever else and then they go towards undermining and doing their lobbying their corporate lobbying while they're serving public office and then it gets even worse once they leave you know once their term is over they leave after a few years and they go back right into the same industry the same corporation that they were lobbying for and then they they use all the contacts that they develop with all the politicians while they were in office to then further grease the wheels and do even more corporate lobbying and now they get paid even more this whole system is is called the revolving door it's a it's a terrible system it's it's very corrupt so what we need is we need to ban lobbyists if you're corporate lobbyists you're not allowed to hold public office unless you've stopped being in corporate lobbyists maybe for 10 or 20 years and then once you leave public office you're not allowed to go and lobby for corporation again for another 10 or 20 years at least this would solve a lot of these problems because this is a huge conflict of interest and direct corruption of government right this directly undercuts the idea of one-person one-vote nexus taxation we need significantly higher taxation on extreme wealth because one of the biggest problems we have and most countries have this not just America is a widening gap between the extremely rich and the rest of the citizens this is natural this is what happens under capitalism when you have unchecked capitalism and free market what happens is that you have own ever-growing gap and the middle class basically gets eroded and this becomes very problematic this is one of the biggest problems for a country because then what you have is you have this giant disparity of interests and survival agendas where you have people who are basically barely surviving and working two jobs just to to feed their kids and then you have fat cats the top who are flying around on private jets and using their money to further corrupt the system see the problem is when you have too much money more money than you really need for survival and basic luxuries and stuff any money beyond that that money tends to be squandered by egos so my proposal is that anything over a million dollars gets taxed quite heavily and anything over ten million or a billion dollars gets taxed extremely heavily because these people simply don't need that money and they're actually squandering it and they're actually using it to corrupt the system see that money needs to be put towards places that really need it to help elevate other people and that overall will help to improve society society is not improved by having one percent of millionaires and billionaires who have all the power and all the wealth this is this is not a healthy society this is highly unbalanced and it creates all sorts of problems that trickle through the whole system not only do we need to be taxing income we need to be also taxing wealth because a lot of these people will stash their wealth hoard up huge amounts of wealth and they're not using it to actually do good for society and there's a lot of various kind of tax loopholes that they get away with because we're taxing income is not actual wealth that's accumulated so any wealth over let's say ten million dollars in cash or a hundred million dollars in cash this wealth needs to be taxed every single year maybe one percent maybe two percent five percent I don't know you know the percentages aren't important we can figure that out we could come to some kind of compromises but this kind of extreme wealth definitely needs to be taxed and especially extreme wealth of giant corporations giant corporations like Apple Apple Google Amazon Facebook you know they're they're building up cash reserves of 50 billion dollars a hundred billion dollars this is this is absurd they don't even know what to do with this money and then of course they use it to and to corrupt and to make various kinds of schemes and buyouts and monopolies wishes all contributing to the problems we have we need much higher estate taxes the idea that you should be able to supply your children and offspring with tens of millions of dollars of inheritance this is actually doing a disservice to them because these people grow up after this inheritance these trust fund babies and so forth they don't have an appreciation of what it's like to actually earn a living or to actually have to work hard for for luxury or to work hard for freedom they don't understand they can't empathize with people who have two jobs or are working minimum wage and then of course those people grow up and then they further corrupt the system because they have these ideas that that you know all those people they can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps or just not working hard enough no it's not that people aren't working hard enough it's that the system is is highly rigged by the very wealthy people who benefit the most from the system and that's perpetuated with these low estate taxes that we have we also need much higher corporate taxes corporations are making a killing especially giant multi-billion corporations I think we should have multiple tiers of taxes because we certainly don't want to disincentivize small business a lot of times people make this improper conflation would say all the open hole high corporate taxes that will ruin the economy and and slow down the economy and growth and all of this no it won't because we're not gonna of course have high corporate taxes on small businesses so if you're running a doughnut shop and you have five or ten employees don't worry you're not gonna have high corporate taxes under what I'm proposing what I'm talking about is high corporate taxes for giant companies that employ tens of thousands of people and who rake in tens of billions of dollars of profit every single year right so this is not small businesses is not even medium business this is not even large business this is gigantic t Nacional billion business right that's what we're talking about here so they need to have much higher corporate taxes that's pretty self-explanatory on the other hand for people who are just starting businesses just starting corporations that are only five employees ten employees under 100 employees these people need need tax breaks we need more competition the way you incentivize competition is not by making the tax environment favorable to these giant corporations but the opposite making the tax environment favorable for small business so I'm very very Pro small business and pro entrepreneurial I think we need more of that and in fact the biggest problem I have with giant corporations is that they squeeze out the small businesses making it very difficult to start your own entrepreneurial venture meaning that then people have to become wage slaves because they have no other option they can't start their own thing because Amazon or Walmart or Starbucks is squeezing them out and then of course with their corporate lobbying power and all the politicians that they buy and the influence and the way they skew the system towards themselves it becomes very difficult for individuals to compete and to start new businesses and this is bad because then we don't have competition we don't have innovation we don't have creativity and then people aren't able to to steer their own lives to be their own CEOs they have to work as a lackey for some giant corporate CEO and this is problematic because we do want to develop autonomy within people we also need higher capital gains tax and passive income tax right now the whole system is is rigged in such a way that hard manual labor is taxed the most yet manipulation of economy through stocks arbitrage derivatives trading there's kinds of mortgage schemes and all of this various kinds of massive income where you don't work at all and yet you earn millions of dollars and you hardly pay any tax on it this is completely backwards we need ordinary working people who work hard doing manual labor and and so forth they should have the biggest tax breaks their income and theirs their wages should be taxed at least whereas people who just sit around and collect passive income from owning real estate or from rentals these people need to be taxed a lot more because they're not actually providing much value to the system that are actually leeching off the system because in a society really it's the people who are doing actually all the all the labor and work and of course labour isn't just physical labour but it's also creative labor they are the ones who are really driving society and getting the stuff done and those people who are just sitting in and getting a bunch of money from rental properties they're not doing very much they're leeching off the system and this is not recognized right now in our hyper capitalist society we also need to eliminate a bunch of tax loopholes and safe havens you should not be able to move a bunch of money overseas to Ireland the way that Apple has been doing billions of dollars fifty or hundred billion dollars sitting in Irish banks to avoid taxation or to the Caribbean to the Bahamas and and all these sorts of shenanigans this all needs to be closed if you want to be an American company and do business in America you need to store the bulk of your funds in American banks and it's gonna be regulated by American by American bureaucracy by the government and all your wealth is going to be tracked and then some percentage of it is gonna be taxed if it's excessive and you're gonna pay taxes on it and there's not gonna be all sorts of corporate loopholes this will also simplify the tax code for ordinary people which is what we need we also should be putting high taxes on luxury goods why are we not taxing private jets and yachts and golf courses and Bentley's and luxury cars Ferraris sports cars the sorts of stuff gieux expensive handbags this is all this needs to be taxed an extra 20 percent or 50 percent I don't know what it is if you want to have these luxury frivolous items by all means have them but you'll pay extra for it because there are more important things for for Humanity than to satisfy your egotistical needs for luxury in a high consciousness society these luxury goods wouldn't even exist because it would be seen that they offer no no genuine value no private jet offers some value but you know Rolex and things like this this is all quite silly we also need higher taxes on secondary and tertiary homes people who buy their first home to raise a family in to actually live in these people should pay very little in real estate taxes and so forth on the other hand people who just speculate on real estate or people who buy a third house of a fourth house a fifth house all around the country you know they have these elaborate mansions that they barely spent any time in vacation homes multiple vacation homes you know in in Aspen Colorado or in Hawaii this or this is all frivolous luxury stuff so if you want that go ahead but you're gonna pay extra for it and also we have a problem that major cities like New York San Francisco and areas in California the LA area real estate prices are soaring to the point where people are not even able to afford their first house ordinary people don't have a house to grow a family in and that's because there's a lot of foreign investment a lot of real estate speculation so that needs to be significantly taxed you should pay significant taxes on real estate if you don't actually live in that real estate yourself but you're just squatting on it to resell it later and there needs to be some disincentives for flipping and just reselling real estate because this is um this doesn't offer any serious value to the society and yet people make a lot of money off of it which means that ultimately they're they're exploiting others that are lower down the chain another interesting idea that I've heard is to allow tax payers to choose where some proportion of their tax dollars actually go now this won't happen in detail but the way that I picture it is that when you submit your taxes every year on April 15th the IRS gives you a pop-up window you know on the website and you get to select from maybe ten different categories where you want maybe ten or twenty percent of your tax dollars to go so you can either select a category like improve health care improve green energy improve schools improve you know give it to NASA improve space exploration give it towards scientific research and development to universities give it towards helping the homeless giving it give it towards helping children you know foster children give it towards helping animals with you know animal shelters and for dogs and cats and all that so you know we'll have like 10 or 20 different categories and you get to select where 10 or 20 percent of your tax dollars goes one of the things I love about this idea is that we need more we need more people to be excited and interested about like being involved in government so that it's not just some sort of like thing that exists politicians interact with it but then I as an ordinary citizen don't have any say like what actually happens and also at the same time what we need to be more accountability so we need government to be sending us reports so at the end of the year after you've selected you know where your money's gonna go let's say you said that your money's gonna go to NASA ok maybe you're into space exploration you like that cool but then at the end of the year NASA sends you a letter that says okay here's what we actually we took all your money for this year from all you guys here's the stuff that we've actually used the money for we're going to plan a mission to Mars we're gonna plan a mission to the moon here's how it's gonna happen here's you know where we did well here's where we did poorly here how we're gonna like cut costs in the future here's why you should pay us more next year right you see now they're incentivized to actually use your money well because they know that if they don't use your money well there's gonna be a graph that tracks like how much waste there is in their budget and what kind of missions they were able to succeed in which kind they weren't then the next year you won't pay them and so they have to kind of compete for your money that would be a cool I think idea next we need much stronger penalties for corruption and white-collar crime a lot of drama is made about sort of blue collar crime you know the common criminals thugs and gang members and so forth this is not the biggest problem gang members don't actually pose a significant systemic problem to society of course you know a gang member might might shoot somebody that's a problem we do need to stop them of course so that's important but we're law and order really needs to shine is with white-collar crime because white-collar crime it's the senior officers and managers of these giant corporations which create all sorts of schemes and scams and very manipulative systems which lead to the corruption of the entire government and actually rob people of a lot of money exploit a lot of people or actually even lead to the deaths of many people so for example you know some some CEO of big pharma company wants to to push opioids you know to push up his stock price and so he creates various kinds of sneaky advertising campaigns and bribes and pays doctors to prescribe these opioids by giving them airs kinds of kickbacks and so forth and incentives you know this kind of scheme will actually lead to the death of not a handful of people that gets shot up in some urban neighborhood this leads to the death of thousands of people across the whole country right so there need to be proportional penalties for this kind of stuff there needs to be an entire department within the government that that regulates this and chases after it like seriously and there need to be serious criminal liabilities for CEOs and senior managers and officers of corporations so that they are very careful about what they market how they advertise what kind of schemes they come up with because they can come up with some pretty uh exploitative schemes and a lot of times right now they just get fined there are no criminal liabilities the problem with the fines that the fines are less than the profit they make so for them it's just a simple cost-benefit analysis and for them it's like well yeah I'll get fined a hundred million dollars for pushing these opioids but hey I'll earn three hundred million dollars so you know three hundred million dollars - one hundred million dollars fine I still come out ahead with two hundred million dollars so of course I'm gonna do it that isn't enough of a penalty there need to be criminal penalties if you do that kind of [ __ ] you go to jail for twenty years as the CEO you know there needs to be a lot more accountability and ethics placed upon CEOs and senior officers managers of these giant corporations then there is right now because right now they can get away with some really exploitative and nasty stuff which tricks a lot of people you know a lot of ordinary people they're easy to trick because it's hard for them to compete with modern marketing modern marketing you know it's a scientific it's it's it's really scientific psychological warfare it has been for the last hundred years psychology is used and emotionality is used to manipulate people into buying all sorts of things and everyone in marketing and in advertising all the CEOs and managers they all know this but they're all in denial about it and they all act as though it's just totally normal and ethical and they just act that this this does not corrupt or worse in society but of course it does it directly contributes to many of our problems if you want more on that this is such a profound topic I'm really passionate about the corruption of of marketing check out my episode called the deep problem of marketing search for that and it'll go into more depth about that problem another powerful idea that I got from Neil Walsh is the following proposal we need to publicly disclose everyone's income in the entire country and all profit margins on all products sold Surratt a radical idea but think about the beauty of this because what it does introduces transparency and it helps to promote equality so imagine if there was a government database you go to this database you can type in the name of any citizen or any corporation or any product and immediately what you see is you see the person's income a histogram of that person's income or that corporations income and their profit margins imagine if you could see the income and salaries of your co-workers your boss your CEO and so forth this would be amazing because immediately you would be able to see the unfairness the injustice of the entire system so of course the reason there isn't this transparency the reason corporations are very much against disclosing the salaries of all employees publicly is precisely because they know the system is so rigged that if it was may transparent people would be so outraged by the injustice of it that the system couldn't stand so of course they keep it all hidden in the darkness and in the shadows is where the injustice can lurk people don't even know how much they're being screwed because you don't even know how much your coworker is making more than you you know imagine if in your little company where maybe there's 20 people that you work with you work with a team of 20 people but you don't know what their salaries are maybe you know for a few people but not for all of them but imagine if you could just go to this database and just check and you would immediately see like wait a minute why is Joe orderly twice as much as me even though he does half the work that I do you see or why is that man earning twice as much as the women in the office this would help with that now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that everyone's income should be equal certainly not some people work harder and they should have higher incomes if Joe is doing twice the work that I am that everybody else is in the office and he's earning twice as much income that's fair people will look at that and they'll say well yeah you know George Joe deserves it cuz he worked so much harder than everybody else but a lot of times Joe isn't earning that extra money because he works harder Joe is earning extra money because he was you know he got a favor from the boss or he has some sort of good negotiating skills or because he's white or because he's well-connected or because he's a man or whatever that is you see so so this will help a lot with that I also think we need labels on all products that are sold so imagine going to best buyer to Walmart and you're looking at a at an iPhone on the Shelf there or you're looking at some video game you want to buy there should be a sticker that says what the profit margin on that product is so you can see which industries are screwing you over you know when I get a medical bill from the hospital or from the doctor I want to see what the doctors profit margins are if I get a bill from the lawyer I want to see what his profit margins are this would help to equalize a system because when you get that bill from from the hospital and you see that they charge you some ridiculous amount where their profit margin is ten thousand percent on some medicine that they gave you or some you know simple procedure some x-ray that they gave you but that x-ray has a ten thousand percent profit margin that's going to create the outrage that's necessary to equalize the system right now these systems are deliberately designed to be so opaque and so convoluted that nobody is able to make sense of these profit margins and then when you tell some giant pharmaceutical company that hey you're you're overcharging us they will deny it and they will say oh no we're not overcharging you this is just business you know we need to survive too but if we know your profit margins we know how much you're raking in we know the salary of everybody who works there we know exactly how much you're overcharging and then we can compare you know how much is the pharmaceutical industry overcharging compared to the school or an education industry and you'll see there's gonna be a huge disparity and then that will help to equalize the whole system and speaking of transparency we need transparency all throughout government we need to do a giant pass through all the departments to make them all more transparent every single year there should be reports of how government is becoming more and more transparent everything needs to be taken out of the shadows because in the shadows is where the evil and the corruption and selfishness reside if you're doing something truly conscious and loving you don't need to hide it in the shadows and speaking of which we need a strong defence of whistleblowers right now the way that America treats whistleblowers is completely ass-backwards we demonize them we prosecute them criminalize them chase them out of the country the stuff that happened with Chelsea Manning with Edward Snowden in recent years the WikiLeaks we quick Skye Julian Assange all these sorts of things you know these are whistleblowers who are actually helping to expose government corruption they should have legal protections the government should be welcoming of whistleblowers whistleblowers should receive financial compensation for the risks that they take they should receive protection for their families for their safety and security against threats they should get medals they should be publicized and lionize as heroes for calling out corruption not demonized it's really quite disgusting what we have right now a high consciousness government is all about transparency it wants and it welcomes transparency because it doesn't have anything to hide from the people we also need more transparency with the way that government contracts are awarded this is a very corrupt element of the government these extremely lucrative billion dollar contracts are oftentimes given in secret to various kinds of giant corporations we have which have power and connection there's no open and fair bidding process really we need like a public marketplace where every time there's a a new government contract that comes out any corporation no matter how big how small can can vote on it can bid on it and then that whole process needs to be made transparent and we need to know how well these corporations follow through on these contracts because a lot of times what happens is these corporations grossly overcharge the government for for simple things that they offer they charge ten times as much as they will charge if they were selling to consumers because they know that the government doesn't care and that the government is bought by them so it's all very corrupt so we need to introduce competition into the contract process we also need to remove all black ops programs and budgets if the CIA has black ops budgets we remove that any kind of secret spying programs secret assassination programs secret programs to destabilize other governments this this this this should not exist this is devilry it's pure devilry this kind of stuff shouldn't exist we shouldn't have secret budgets for exporting people out of the country to torture them these sorts of budgets are secret and black ops precisely because the people know the people running these programs know that if the public found out about it they would be so outraged that they would cancel the program and if you say well Lea but we need these black ops programs because we're so vulnerable to external attack my answer to you is stop thinking out of fear that's a fear-based decision we don't need to be so fearful especially as Americans I mean if if we were a smaller country like France maybe you might have an argument but as America our military is ten times bigger and more advanced than any other military on earth so we don't need these black ops programs torture programs none of this is necessary this is all fear-based we need to be confident enough in in ourselves that we trust that we set a better example for the world through consciousness and through love and through selflessness and giving up a little bit of our security give it up it's not you don't need it you're not that vulnerable don't be so fragile see don't be acting out of fear being act don't be acting out of scarcity be acting out of abundance and love of course speaking of the military we need to drastically reduce the American military budget it's completely out of hand is completely corrupt we need to scale back our military especially abroad we have bases hundreds of bases all around the world that are very expensive to maintain we need to cut back on that we also need to stop selling weapons and bombs overseas because the way the milind military-industrial complex works right now is that if we're not waging some unnecessary war and burning a bunch of money that way to pay these defense contractors then the way that they do it in peacetime like right now is they they sell a bunch of weapons and bombs and jet fighters and tanks to all sorts of countries all around the world many of these countries are shady we sell weapons to Saudi Arabia to Turkey to god-knows-where and this is completely backwards completely unconscious because think about what percentage of American psychic creative energy and resources is going towards building weapons and bombs and shipping those overseas for profit this is absurd that creative energy these resources need to be going towards building infrastructure internally in the country towards better education schools universities towards better science better space exploration help better health care health for people who need it homeless people so forth that's where that creative energy needs to be going we're literally squandering half of the creative energy of the entire country by having people building weapons and by manipulating markets and doing other kinds of things that don't provide genuine value to the world you know a weapon if you think about it provides very little value to the world like a bomb of course it does provide some value if you're getting attacked but overall many of these bombs they're built and they're not even used and then they have a short shelf life you can't just keep a bomb for 50 years the thing becomes dangerous it has to be decommissioned so not only do we waste money building the bomb in the first place these are expensive million-dollar bombs then we spend more millions of dollars to to decommission these bombs or to rebuild these bombs and so the whole thing is extremely wasteful if you think about it it's not actually generating more wealth for the country only for a top select few who are the defense contractors or so forth we also need to work towards denuclearization this is a long-term project obviously it's not going to happen in a year or two but over the long term we need to move towards total denuclearization of all governments around the world and of course this can only be done through high-level negotiations and various kinds of UN diplomacy and so forth we also need to increase funding to police and first responders so while we'll be cutting back on the military budget and by the way I should say we're not cutting back on the money for troops that's not what I mean by cutting the military budget we cut back on ridiculous excessive wasteful technologies that are totally unnecessary and overpowered like new nuclear weapons and new jet fighters like this sort of stuff we cut back on that but the troops will actually need to get a pay increase because right now they're not earning nearly enough and then also by cutting the military budget we use that money to improve police training and resources for first responders they need better resources and better training and the police need much better training on racial sensitivity much better training on negotiating de-escalating situations rather than just using physical force we also just need more police we also need more FBI agents to enforce various kinds of laws and to stop criminals gangs and mafia and white-collar criminals and scammers and fraudsters and all of this right this this is all improved by having more FBI more prosecutors state prosecutors federal prosecutors and better training for all of them and higher salaries for all of them so that they're less corruptible and that they're they're more comfortable in their work we also need strong war crimes enforcement right now the government does a pretty bad job when we're engaged in some military conflict a lot of times there's war crimes and these war crimes are actually hidden and denied rather than made transparent and properly prosecuted the way they should be and actually this is a service towards military members because military people didn't join the military to be war criminals so when war crimes are allowed to be tolerated and actually hidden then this actually does a disservice because it tarnishes the image of the military we also need to of course eliminate torture and cruel and unusual punishment not only do we to eliminate it on American shores but we need to eliminate it entirely there should be some sort of law or even a constitutional amendment which says that not only can you not torture and do cruel and unusual punishment like waterboarding and so forth on the u.s. territory land but you're not allowed to export this torture and punishment to other countries this sort of process that became popular under the Bush era of called extraordinary rendition where you would take some sort of suspected criminal or terrorist and then you would export him to Turkey where he would get tortured or to Guantanamo Bay or something like this this is absurd it should be illegal to torture anyone as an American citizen if you're involved with torturing anyone anywhere in the world you should be criminally liable for that and any kind of funding that even goes into any of that kind of extraordinary we also need some sort of legislation that helps workers get elected to corporate boards this is something that I think is Europe is leading the way on right now it's really one of the core tenets of socialism is the idea that workers have a say and how their company is run and while I'm not advocating full-blown socialism here I think one of the elements of socialism that we need to adopt more of is right now the workers in a giant corporation like Walmart or Amazon or Microsoft or Google or Apple or Facebook these workers have almost no voting power they have no say over how their corporation is run therefore the corporation is you know the corporate leaders who have all the shares and stocks they are able to dictate all all the corporation's decisions and therefore if the corporation decides to ship half the jobs overseas even though that's terrible for workers the workers have no say and the jobs get shipped overseas whereas if the workers did have a say if they had a 50% control of the corporate board if the corporate board was 50% made up of workers that are at the bottom of the hierarchy then that would completely change how many of these corporations are run so I think we need some sort of law which says that if you have a corporation that profits over a billion dollars a year and employs over 5,000 or 10,000 people then you must have at least 50% of your corporate board run by by your workers and for smaller businesses these regulations will be less strict and if your business only has five or ten people then you won't be subject to this maybe at all yeah so we figure out the details of it but that's the general idea this will make working for corporations a lot better we also need to defend we need a strong defense of the right to unionize so if people want to unionize they should be allowed to unionize in any corporation that interferes with unionization efforts that should be illegal and actually it should be criminal and a lot of corporations play these tactics where they strong-arm their employees or they threaten their employees not to unionize I know Amazon does this Whole Foods does this a bunch of corporate based probably all corporations do this of course they try to keep it all under the table where as soon as somebody tries to unionize they get fired or they get threatened or whatever they get demonized this should be illegal we need to raise the minimum wage to be a living wage at least fifty dollars an hour maybe twenty dollars an hour now of course libertarians here will complain they'll say Oh leo but if you do this you'll actually you'll hurt the economy because many many jobs will no longer be tenable because some jobs simply can't exist at those wages this is a silly argument it's a silly argument if a job can't exist at fifteen to twenty dollars an hour then that job shouldn't exist and also studies have shown when certain states raise their minimum wage for example the minimum wage in in Washington or in California is significantly higher than it is in other parts of the country this does not have a negative impact on the economy so this idea that raising a minute wage has a negative impact on this is a canard this is this is not true and if you think about it like think about it very fundamentally there's actually no reason it's very artificial that someone who works as a housekeeper or flips burgers at McDonald's should earn less than a doctor or a lawyer or a politician or a CEO it's extremely artificial that the system is set up this way now I'm not saying that everyone should eat you know generate the same wage because people do provide different value and I understand that a CEO provides a lot more value than someone flipping burgers at McDonald's so in a sense that's true but also a sense it's not true and the idea that the CEO can earn a thousand times more than the minimum wage of his workers is is absurd and also this this idea that oh well leo minimum wage is only for people like students not full you know nobody lives on a minimum wage I'm in a way just like four kids in high school this is not true at all many people who are in their 40s 50s and 60s work on a minimum wage the problem with minimum wage is that the corporations are so powerful that they they're they can strong arm you with monopolies and other kinds of tactics that they use so that you're not able to negotiate your wage properly you see that's that's what many libertarians don't understand about this whole free market idea yes the free market is nice in principle in theory but the problems that the corporation has amassed so much power that it's impossible for one individual employee to seriously challenge that corporation which is why unionization is important because it helps to equalize that balance of power and likewise you know if you're working a minimum-wage job at Starbucks or something and you go in to ask your boss for a raise they have very sneaky psychological mechanisms and systems designed to deny you that raise that's the reality of how this works it's not like you can just go in there just ask them for a raise and just like negotiate with them no because you have virtually zero leverage and they know that you're basically barely able to pay your bills so you can't afford losing that job so the reason government is necessary to raise the minimum wage is because government serves as a proxy negotiator for ordinary small people who otherwise don't have the power to individually negotiate with these giant multi-billion dollar corporations that use various exploitative tactics to make sure that wages are maximally low and this is highly grossly unethical and unconscious but it's so normalized that people seriously argue that raising their wage to $15 is gonna somehow damage society or damage the economy this is absurd it's absurd you have no appreciation of what it's like to work in the minimum wage like it's it's read some read some accounts of people who actually work minimum wage jobs some adults there are books that have been written about this stuff one good one that comes to mind is called nickel and dimed I think by Barbara Ehrenreich nickel and dimed she was a reporter I read this book in a long time ago in university basically she was an investigative reporter and what she did is she she posed as a minimum wage worker for like a month or two she kind of made this challenge herself she wanted to know what it's like to be a minimum wage worker so what she did is she she gave up all her possessions and all her money for like a month or two and then she went and tried to just survive by working a minimum-wage job and it was so difficult for her and she was a well-educated you know a journalist and so forth but you know she had to not rely on any of her skills there she had to just like go clean homes or work minimum wage she was a housekeeper and so forth and like it was so difficult for her to survive it was like hell that's the reality of being stuck in minimum wage you're so stuck in it that you can't even break free of it because you don't have enough money to pay for the next week's rent and next week's groceries it's quite quite brutal and various kinds of highfalutin ideas that that that wealthy people have about how how a minimum wage is not such a big problem it's a huge problem it's a huge problem that right now than in a way it was like $7.25 federally that's a huge problem it's not a living wage you can't survive on this and the reality is that many people try to survive and live on a minimum wage and they can't it's not just kids and teenagers we also need very importantly regulation of predatory industries and here are the particular industries that need the most regulation banking marketing finance stocks and Wall Street loans the military-industrial complex Big Oil chemical companies big technology companies like Apple Facebook Microsoft Amazon Google big pharmaceutical companies communication companies like Comcast Cox charter Verizon AT&T t-mobile and so forth Healthcare entire healthcare industry he's a lot more regulation the insurance industry which includes car insurance life insurance annuities and all sorts of other scammy insurance schemes and credit card companies and also payday loans all of this needs massive regulation so again what the libertarians and the free-market folks don't understand is that these industries are so manipulative in how they're designed to leech money from consumers that consumers have no choice and no chance to outsmart these various companies hidden fees sneaky high pressure sales tactics various kinds of you know chemical pollution price gouging within the pharmaceutical industry all the various kinds of corruption Anakin's that goes on on Wall Street that led to the collapse in 2008 with the with the various kinds of sneaky mortgages and subprime mortgages all this kind of crap that they invent the stuff that goes on with the military-industrial complex there's government contracts they get these communication companies which create monopolies in various parts of the country the healthcare system which is basically a health care cartel or mafia this is extremely corrupt it they're extremely powerful and no individual citizen is able to put up a serious fight so the reason we need government regulation is because again government is serving as the proxy negotiator for the people who otherwise are way too underpowered to deal with this stuff we need regulation of usury and lending the various kinds of hidden variable interest rates on credit cards that goes on various kinds of hidden banking fees that banks charge you like oh this is disgusting it doesn't provide any serious value to society all of this is designed to leach value from society you see this not only that but all these industries that I've mentioned notice the following thing these industries which leech the most value and provide the least value to society they are the ones that earn the most money so what are the most wealthiest paid professions it's doctors insurance salesmen CEOs Wall Street bankers it's it's pharmaceutical marketing it's giant oil corporations it's military contractors its military lobbyists its chemical companies its various kinds of payday loan operators these people make the most money yet they provide the least value for society this is completely backwards and this is devilry and of course it's these people which keep rigging the system to maintain the status quo because it's in their favor because they don't want to actually do legitimate creative work they want to exploit the work of others and this is not something that you can fix by removing regulation and getting rid of government because if you get rid of government the way libertarians want this will only get worse it'll get a lot worse you don't even know how bad it'll get it's already quite bad but it'll get terrible if what the libertarians want was actually implemented and government was significantly scaled back this is my biggest criticism of the conservative agenda Republicans and conservatives are all about small government but the problem is that when you make government as small as you guys want what you're not understanding is that you will be completely enslaved and exploited by these giant corporate companies because there's gonna be a complete dis balance of power you see who's gonna control these companies the free market is not going to control these companies because the free market allows these companies the freedom to manipulate and exploit you that's what the free market is so the government is necessary to regulate the free market that's what the libertarian doesn't understand we also need a very strong antitrust regulation and he trusts right now is not being enforced giant companies every every month I read giant companies buying up smaller companies or two giant companies merging with each other lately the FCC I think approved the merger of Sprint and t-mobile this is all anti-competitive it hurts the free market these giant companies are buying up little companies again it's it's removing the incentive for the little companies to actually create high quality products because all they basically do is that the small company just tries to be successful and popular enough so the larger company won't even buy it the large company buys it because it's got billions of dollars that it doesn't know what to do with anymore and it'll buy a lot of these small companies even if the small companies aren't really good or they don't have a good product they'll still just buy them just to buy out competition this is extremely corrupt and it's ruining our entire system basically what's your company gets to a certain size you should not be able to buy other companies that's sort of my simple rule for this so you know if your company is earning over a million dollars of profit a quarter that's it that's as big as you get to get by buying other companies after that point if you want to keep growing your company by all means go ahead but you can't buy anymore companies not big ones not small ones not little ones and you can't merge with anybody else that would be the sort of rule that I would put into place and that's like a strict rule that just is automatically enforced so that these companies don't even get the idea to go merging with larger companies or buying up smaller companies and then that will create more competition in the marketplace have the large companies actually compete with the upstarts that are coming up rather than buy them out let's have Facebook actually compete with Instagram and with whatsapp and all this sorts of stuff rather than just buying them out and then just like adding them to their portfolio it's way too easy when you have tens of billions of dollars in your coffers of cash that you have no idea what to do with you couldn't spend it all if you wanted to like for example for Apple or for Google they have this much cash in their coffers it's way too easy for them to just use that money to buy up every possible competitor in their industry and in this way they dominate and monopolize the whole industry hurting innovation creativity and competition we need special regulations for companies that are over a billion dollars because these companies have the potential to exploit millions of people in various ways and it's very difficult for ordinary people to be aware of what these companies are doing because these companies are spending billions of dollars on research and development and focus groups and psychological tests to craft their products and services in such a way that it's it's so sneaky that an ordinary person has has no way of combating this they just get exploited that's sort of what society has become right now most consumers are like cattle that are being and farmed by these giant corporations and they don't even know it and they don't have the power to do anything about it other than through the government we also need a stable currency which legally cannot be fudged or screwed around with by printing a bunch more money so we need much tighter regulations on banking and the Federal Reserve and just you're not you're not supposed to be able to just willy-nilly print currency in a in a conscious society there need to be some limits on that we also need shorter limits on copyrights right now giant corporations again are leeching off of past creative work for hundreds of years because the copyrights keep getting extended longer and longer and longer you know like Disney keeps milking Mickey Mouse even though Mickey Mouse is probably a hundred years old by this point and they still keep milking it and they Lobby the government to extend their mickey mouse copyright for another hundred years this is completely absurd copyrights should not last longer than the death of the inventor of the copyright so if Walt Disney invented Mickey Mouse he can have Mickey Mouse until he dies but after he's dead he can't have Mickey Mouse anymore and then Disney is now forced to be more creative and actually to come up with a new cartoon rather than just keep milk in the same [ __ ] for a hundred years or 200 years the way that they want to do see we need an end of for-profit prisons it's way too corrupt the incentive structure is completely wrong prison also needs to be radically rethought prison should not be treated primarily as a punishment prison needs to be thought of more as a rehabilitation center the way that prison is treated in the Scandinavian countries in Northern Europe that's how America needs to start to model its prisons as rehabilitation centers there needs to be more compassion and empathy placed into the way that we treat prisoners they're not evil people no matter who they killed or you know what kind of crimes they've committed they're just ignorant people and what they need is they need education they need spirituality they need meditation and one of the biggest things we can do to help them is to introduce non-dogmatic spirituality into prison it's not Christian it's not Muslim it's not dogmatic it's not a religion it's mindfulness training meditation training various yoga programs this sorts of stuff if we introduce this into prison this will enormous ly helped to improve recidivism rates it'll reduce crime it'll help these people get back on their feet me to have jobs programs where if this person comes out of prison he can go there he can get a job he doesn't have to go back out on the streets and do drugs or sell crack or whatever you know just to make ends meet so we need to treat our prisoners with a lot more compassion and the only way that's possible is through an expansion of one's own sense of identity and consciousness collective and individual consciousness because right now what people do is they demonize criminals they blame all the problems on the criminals and they think of criminals as the other because you know hey I'm not a criminal and I would never be as bad as a criminal or some murderers and rapists and so therefore those people are just garbage and scum and we can just treat them that way well that ends up coming back to bite you because you know when that drug dealer or criminal or rapist when he gets released the recidivism rate is like 70 percent so he doesn't help you to demonize the guy because you know the average criminal is only gonna be in jail for five or ten years he's not gonna be in jail if the rest his life so when he comes back out what have you done to actually help his situation because if you haven't helped him he's gonna become a problem within your society see not to mention that it's just it's the humane thing to do to try to rehabilitate people now I'm not saying everybody can read it you can be rehabilitated some people are totally lost causes but we should at least try and our Sister's should be structured in such a way that it's it helps the majority I think the majority of these criminals can be helped minority can't be and you know that we just deal with those but um but I think a majority can be well I'm gonna talk about ending the drug war but while we're on prisons we also need to release all people who are in prison for minor drug possession charges but that's part of my schpeel hunting to ending the drug war we'll get to that we also need to be more caring about refugees and immigrants understanding that the countries are coming from are terrible and very problematic and we need to be welcoming to refugees and to immigrants within what we can tolerate the thing that many conservatives as they argue against refugees and immigrants and illegals the thing that conservatives understand is that we have a gigantic [ __ ] country in America yeah we have 330 million people we can take a lot of immigrants and refugees we can support a lot more have you ever flown across the country across America on an airplane and you look out of the [ __ ] window and you see just empty land stretching out for miles and miles across the horizon just empty land nobody's using it so get rid of this scarcity mindset and somehow we're limited we can only support so many people dude we can support hundred literally hundreds of millions more people in America so get rid of that scarcity mindset that fear-based mindset be more abundant abundance minded next time you're flying across the country look out that [ __ ] window of your airplane and notice how much empty land and how many resources trees lakes rivers oceans we have so many resources there so we don't need to worry about running out of physical land or physical resources we have way more resis resources on this planet than people think if we just use and manage the resources properly the problem is not that we're running out of resources the problem is that we're completely mismanaging the resources because our love our lack of ecological and strategic planning so as we become more strategic in ecological and more efficient we will be able to support billions literally billions of more people on this planet I think this planet could support a hundred billion humans if not more with advancements in technology and proper recycling of resources and proper management of resources so I don't buy to this idea at all that all we have seven billion people and it's so overpopulated is so terrible and we just we have to like we have to all be afraid of not having enough water and not having enough air and not having enough trees and not having enough animals this is this is [ __ ] that's scarcity mentality we just need to manage this stuff a lot better we also need to work towards eliminating poverty hunger and homelessness we can have programs that can mmm that can end this stuff it's really not hard to end the stuff we just lack the will and the compassion love and consciousness to do it we could certainly do it if we had the political will to do it if the people demanded that it be done speaking of the environment we need heavy environmental regulation not just because of global warming although that's a huge issue which is scientifically um indubitable at this point but also even if global warming wasn't an issue we still have issue issues with pollution with toxic water heavy metals in in food which cause all sorts of diseases and autoimmune conditions and our reliance on on dirty sources of energy mmm like fossil fuels helps to contribute to problems in the Middle East so all of this is interrelated so we need heavy regulation of this stuff heavy regulation of emissions we need much more renewable energy we need a massive funding of green energy we need a carbon tax on polluters we need to stop using coal entirely and other kinds of dirty fuel sources like maybe burning of gas and so forth we need to replace this with with solar primarily maybe with wind as well we need massive subsidies for solar massive subsidies for electric vehicles we need National Grid of electric charging stations at every gas station across the entire country and maybe even incentivize people who use them by making that electricity totally free so if you buy an electric car you get to charge up for free that would be a nice incentive we also of course need nice incentives for buying electric vehicles and we need government research programs to fund better battery technologies for electric vehicles because one of the things that's holding back the mass adoption of electric vehicles right now is insufficient battery technology insufficient capacity to produce these batteries insufficient battery life the batteries are too expensive so all these costs need to be massively brought down with with government funding really what we need is we need sort of like we had the the moon landing program in the 60s with Kennedy like a ten year program to get a man to the moon we a ten year program like that which invests billions of dollars into researching green energy and battery technology that will be huge and revolutionary and will pay enormous dividends for a century to come I also want to see toxic testing of food water air at products and cosmetics there should be a government department that all it does is it does toxicity testing of all the products that people consume so if you're consuming pills if you're consuming food fast food potato chips Snickers bars soda if you're drinking bottled water if you're like you should be able to go on this website type in the brand type in your city type in your location and immediately the product should come up it should tell you when this product was last tested how much mercury isn't that product how much lead is in that product where this product was sourced all the chemicals and all the plastic in it all of it it should be able to tell you what the air pollution standards are of your particular town that you live in all this should be just a free publicly accessible government database you know baby food needs to be tested this agency just need to be non-stop testing this stuff Cosmetics every cosmetic brand needs to be tested for lead mercury and other sorts of nasty chemicals that are in it this is ruining our society in a very sneaky way because what happens at these heavy metals which are present throughout food and cosmetics and so forth shampoo soap that you use especially if it's cheap stuff this gets into your body then it gets into your brain then it actually ruins your in your capacity to think it lowers IQs there's been studies done on this you know lead in children lowers IQs and increases criminal behavior increases schizophrenia and various kinds of psychopathologies that that end up biting us in the ass collectively so all this needs to be tested and not to mention all of the diseases chronic fatigue zand fibromyalgia and all sorts of autumn there's hundreds of different autoimmune conditions that result because of these this heavy metal toxicity that people don't even know about you see the reason we need government to help with this stuff is because it's partly a problem of Education ignorance that's mostly what the problem is and also because you as an individual consumer you know I can't possibly go test the mercury content of every brand of soda that I might want to drink or every bottle of water brand of bottled water that I might want to drink or every cosmetic that you know some some woman might want to use she can't go and test all this stuff by herself people can't go test every fish you know they can't test a salmon and a tuna and a shark in this and then find out like where these sharks and Salmons and tunas come from and then how much mercury and lead is in them or the baby food how do you know you don't know that's the problem and because you don't know the companies are not under any obligation to provide you with clean water or food or products or cosmetics because they know that you don't care and if you don't care you don't know then that means the only way that they can win you as a customer is just by being the cheapest and by being the cheapest oftentimes it's the polluted - next we need massive funding for mental health we need free mental health and schools at work - anybody who wants it free mental health - even - criminals people in prisons there's like mental health all across the board this will significantly help with various kinds of school shootings mass shootings that we have and many other problems besides shootings that we have mental health is a huge thing I would invest hundreds of billions of dollars into mental health this directly increases the consciousness and quality of all of society for everybody free therapy for everybody free life coaching for everybody help people to figure out their own minds this is the most important thing because your mind if it's not functioning properly it's going to ruin your life but not just your life your family's life your spouse's life your children's life and then it's a trickle effect where you know I have some kind of mental disorder or you know neurosis I don't get treatment for it so I offload it on to my children you know cuz i abused my children now i get angry at my shoulder and i criticize my children i harass my children of course that it spreads and infects their minds and then it affects their children's minds and so on and so on and so on for generations see and then this contributes to crime both violent crime but also white-collar crime of various kinds it contributes to abusive relationships and a lot of women get abused in relationships precisely because the men don't get proper counseling therapy and treatment for their anger and other issues so that that's very important we need massive funding for organic farming we need much stricter regulations for factory farming there's some really disgusting stuff that goes on with factory farming and what's even more disgusting is that they're actually laws in many states which prevent the disclosure and transparency of the kind of nasty stuff that happens within factory farming we need transparency within factory farming you know in certain states I think in in Texas there's a law that it's illegal to actually bring a video camera into a factory farm into a slaughterhouse and if why why would there be such a law because the things that happen in a slaughterhouse are so horrific and disgusting that if the public caught wind of it the people who own that slaughterhouse know that their business would end so we need to stop those laws we need more transparency we need more regulation we govern people go into these factories checking them for humane conditions and overall we can be moving away from factory farming towards organic sustainable free-range sort of farming we also need massive funding for infrastructure roads bridges airports and various kinds of public transportation massive funding for public transportation including monorails tunnels electric buses high-speed trains like they have in Japan and elsewhere connecting major cities improvement and remodel is a ssin of airports electric scooters other sorts of clever new transportation devices that are being invented all of this needs to be to be massively funded by the government and you know it's not necessarily that the government needs to manufacture the scooters I'm not saying that I'm not saying the government needs to manufacture monorail zand and trains the government can just subsidize this stuff and can actually help the private sector to do this stuff because you know we don't really need the government per se to be to be running monorails but by subsidizing it and incentivizing it this will actually help smaller businesses rise up and invent new kinds of technologies and you know transportation infrastructure that helps society one of the most important elements of society is the infrastructure the physical infrastructure the electric grid the the internet grid the roads the highways the water system the pipes the sewage system the filtration systems the airport system you know in America all airports are actually publicly run they're not private I think that's right I think that's right the airline's themselves are are private but the airports and the air traffic control I think that's all government and so you know see it works so again there's this talking point that libertarians and conservatives like to throw out that that all léo witness government on anything that actually works well how about the airport's how about airport security how about NASA landing stuff on the moon or to Mars how about the post office works pretty well I've used the post office and it works just as well as s FedEx or UPS no less efficient effect the post office always gives me better prices than UPS or FedEx does I was I just shipped a package of the other day via Priority Mail and it costs like a significant amount less it costs like 20 or 30 percent less than UPS or FedEx the post office will also deliver to more places more rural areas that UPS and FedEx won't deliver to and they offer pretty good service the government you know disaster relief for example after hurricanes and fires and so forth the government does all these things quite well of course the military you know the biggest the biggest argument against this libertarian Kenard that the government can't do anything is the military the government's whole origin is the military and the government does the military extremely well now of course you'll say there's corruption all this yes of course there's there's military industrial complex corruption but that doesn't mean the government can't do the military well the government has always been able to do the military extremely well not just in America but in Germany in France and Russia everywhere the government does the military well in the militaries one of the most complicated and difficult things to do well so if the government is able to do the military well if the government is able to mount an invasion of Iraq now granted Iraq was a blunder but the actual invasion of Iraq was executed quite flawlessly within a couple of weeks right the military of the American military is extremely well trained and professional how is that possible you know how is it possible that the American military was able to defeat the Nazis in World War two how's that possible because the government actually is good at doing some of these things so this ideological idea that the government is just bad at everything it's just it it's Payton Lee false it's just Payton Lee false you know people will point to the DMV and say all yeah but the DMV look I got to go to the DMV and wait in line for an hour first of all if you go to the DMV like actually my DMV here in Las Vegas it's actually quite efficient they have like a whole like they installed this new technology system where you can you don't even need to go to the DME you can just like go online you can ask for a code schedule an appointment they will actually tell you exactly what time you show up you show up there put a little code and they just take you like within five minutes even though there's a giant line of people usually there and you know for that giant line of people they actually made chairs they made a ticketing system where you can get tickets you don't need to stand in line you can get a ticket there's comfortable chairs with TVs you can go sit down wait comfortably you know have your drink go to your car holding this ticket until they call you up so you know even the DMV is able to do stuff the problem is when you don't fund these things yeah then they struggle to do stuff so imagine what would happen to the DMV if we actually funded it more imagine what would happen to DMV if the employees were paid better so that they were actually incentivized to be creative it would work it would work really well so don't buy into this this foolish libertarian canard that government can't do things we also need massive funding of Arts and Sciences right now science is corrupted by corporations this is a lot of people things this is a lot of something that people don't understand is they thing at all well sleeo science has the truth size is the arbiter of the truth science for the last 50 years has been so corrupted by corporations that science doesn't pursue the truth anymore science pursues what is profitable for corporations to market to consumers is completely corrupt so you wonder well how come science isn't talking about the stuff that you're talking about how come science isn't talking about enlightenment and Awakening and mysticism and paranormal stuff and psychic stuff and how come you know the reason it's not doing that is because there's no money in that relative to the kind of money they can rake in when the science goes towards the military or towards mining for oil or towards you know that kind of stuff pharmaceuticals there's no money in psychedelics even though there are more powerful healing tools than any antidepressant there's a ton of money in antidepressants there's no money in natural cures so of course today science doesn't seriously study natural cures or holistic medicine or acupuncture or yoga or meditation yes there's a little bit of science into meditation and yoga on the fringes but it's just it's on the fringes it's like little pet projects that people have it's not serious hardcore science most serious hardcore science today goes towards developing technologies which can be directly marketed so the government can step in here and to actually save science from the corruption of of corporatism and capitalism because science is one of those things that should not be done for money or for profit science should be done for the sake of truth and understanding but that is not how science is done today it's very very corrupt so even those of you who are very secular and rational and you know often times this kind of secularism and rationalism and atheism goes hand in hand with libertarianism what you're not seeing is how your libertarian principles are actually corrupting the very science that you claim to like and therefore your size isn't accurate and it's missing all of these aspects of mysticism and holistic medicine and so forth that are so important towards the well-being of society of course we need equal rights for all minorities of course we need protections and equal rights for LGBTQ folks and we should offer free counseling and therapy for LGBTQ people to deal with their issues so that they can become confident raise their self-esteem and become just ordinary members of society that's what you would want if you if you were one of these people we also need Supreme Court reform we need some sort of term limits on the Supreme Court because what we have now is is problematic I also think we might need some sort of direct voting or elections of Supreme Court nominees because right now this current system we have where we have a Republican president and then he can he appoints a Republican judge and then we have a Democratic president appoints a Democratic judge this is this is a silly partisan game that's being played this is not how it should work we really need us to figure out some way to make Supreme Court justices seriously impartial and probably accountable to the people in some way I haven't thought that through too much it's just it's an idea I'm throwing out there but term limits we definitely need maybe 12 years maybe 20 years at most we also need more term limits for elect government positions term limits for members of Congress I don't know exactly what they should be we can come to some compromise on that but we need we need term limits in all elected government positions otherwise right now one of the problems we have is we have a generation in Congress that's like two generations ago people who are in their 60s and 70s who are just like clinging to their positions where really what we need is we need to refresh we need to refresh Congress with new members new faces because every new generation is is more progressive more open-minded more conscious than the previous ones the problem is that the old generations love to cling to power though that's just how the ego words we need free birth control free condom and free condoms and free feminine hygiene products for all people who want them at least at a basic level because this is this is so central and this ruins so many people's lives simply because people don't have access to condoms or birth control or feminine hygiene this is ruins this ruin their lives and the cost of these things are so negligible that the government's are just handing this stuff out like candy because it doesn't cost anything really to produce this stuff we need mandatory paid family leave for mothers and fathers who have new children this actually helps to improve the education and care for new children which then helps to create better future adults we need subsidies for daycare that also helps to improve Society we also need to work towards moving to a 30 hour workweek there's no reason why we should be working 40 hours a week we actually the whole point of developing wealth and infrastructure in societies that we can get to work less and less and unless we work the more free time we have towards self-actualization consciousness work awakening and being creative and spending time in relationships intimate relationships with our family and with our children and our spouses that's what life should be about it should not be working yourself to death Americans work too much and the government is necessary to control and regulate this because if there's no government to regulate it then it's just like a free-for-all and the people who are workaholics they're hard to compete with but if the government puts a ceiling on let's say the most you can work as 30 hours a week that would actually help everybody because people would not be so overworked so overstressed trying to compete companies would still have to pay you a living wage for your work and we have enough wealth in the country to be able to afford that there's no reason why why Walmart couldn't cut their employees time to 30 hours a week and still be profitable it can easily do that same thing with Amazon it could still do that and be profitable so there's no reason why not one of the big problems with capitalism is that because the structure is such that all the wealth flows up to the top when a corporation develops a innovative technology which helps to make work more efficient what happens that the gains the value gains from that efficiency that are gained through the new technology does not trickle down to the workers it trickles up to the owners and to the shareholders this is a huge problem because what this means is that even though we're developing enormous technology to make our work much more efficient you know like a secretary who works today is probably five times more efficient than a secretary who worked 50 years ago just because of the computers the internet all this stuff but she still works the same number of hours so this is a never-ending game no matter how efficient our technology gets in the next hundred years if we don't change the structure how the corporation is is organized all the value and efficiency gains will just follow up to the top producing very rich or very rich 1% of managers and everybody else will still be worked to death that's the problem that needs to be addressed by government we need regulation against crunching some employers they force their employees to crunch they pay them a salary they're not hourly workers but then the salary basically says that well the employer has to tell you to do anything that you need that they need done and so they might ask you to work for 60 hours a week or 80 hours a week this needs to be made illegal I know an industry that I worked in where crunch is a huge problem and really one of the reasons that I thought I ultimately left the industry is the video game industry I used to be a video game designer I worked at 2k Boston who manufactured or designed a Bioshock but anyways you know we we had I personally didn't experience it because I came on board during a time where there was no crunch but there were horror stories in that studio or to lodge Bioshock people had to like crunch for eight months working 60 80 hour weeks for eight months straight this is extremely common in the video game industry but it's also common in other industries like in in in in the legal industry sometimes it's common and elsewhere this is this is very very unhealthy it's not it's it's not a conscious way to live life and it needs to be regulated for the same reason that steroids need to be regulated within sports because if you allow steroids in sports then everyone has to one-up somebody else and people just have to take more and more and more steroids and it becomes totally unsustainable to the point where it's impossible to even compete unless you're taking massive doses of steroids that's sort of what weightlifting has turned into now it's it's an abomination there are no natural weight lifters all of them take steroids because it's not properly enforced and regulated it's the same sort of thing with work you know if you just allow people to work as much as they want then what they do is you know workaholics end up ruining it for everybody else because then you have to compete with those damn workaholics if you want to be a workaholic for your own self okay fine but don't expect everybody else around you to try to follow you to keep up with you because you're you're throwing your life away I hope you know that as a workaholic if you're working six to eight hour weeks you're pissing your life away and the only reason you're doing is cuz you're unconscious you don't know what you're doing you don't know what healthy living or healthy work is like it actually also hurts your work too we need a massive education investment by the government a complete overhaul of education like this is perhaps the second most important item on this whole list of mine is education I mentioned it the first is removing a corporate lobbying and money from politics the second one is education because education transforms everything else nothing I say here is possible without proper education we need more schools smaller class sizes much higher teacher incentives salaries and bonuses we need to reduce standardized testing right now we're testing our kids to death these tests are very mechanical and they're testing the wrong things they're measuring the wrong metrics for success success in school should not be measured by how fast you should solve a math problem but rather you should be tested for consciousness for love and for development and for your emotional IQ that's what you should be tested for and of course you shouldn't be tested in some sort of ridiculous you know over-the-top way where you're tested every month you know once in a while you're tested for it in a soft or sort of way but we need a massive overhaul of the education system we need to change the subjects that are being taught we need to end privatization of public schools the problem with the privatization efforts of of privatizing a lot of a lot of schools and creating a lot of charter schools and so forth is that what it does is it creates sort of two pools of people those who are in private schools and those are in public schools once all the rich people go to the private schools the public schools now are no longer of any interest to the to the wealthy people because the wealthy people send all their kids to the private schools and so then the wealthy people just want to destroy and end public schools because they think it's not important but it is important because the entire population needs to be educated in a democracy you can't just have only the rich and the elite have good education everybody else have crappy education so really what I would suggest is that we need one pool of schools no private schools just public schools and we need to make them really good make the public schools as good as the private schools because you know what if the millionaires and billionaires were sending their children to public schools because that was the only option there were no private schools then you better believe that those millionaires and billionaires would be very concerned about improving the quality of those schools whereas right now it's the opposite they want to destroy and take resources away from those schools because hey my kids in a private school and so [ __ ] the public schools who cares about those it's very short side of thinking public school education can be very good it can be we just need to change the way that the public schools are funded right now one of the biggest problems in America is this public schools are funded by local real estate taxes that means that the quality of the school completely depends on the wealth of the neighborhood so wealthy neighborhoods have the best schools poor neighborhoods have the worst schools this is an abomination there needs to be equal funding for all schools regardless of what neighborhood it's in and the funding needs to be significantly higher so one of my most important proposals here is that we need to take the majority of the military budget that we cut and dump it into public schools extremely high quality public schools I went to a public school personally I went to a really good one because I grew up in Orange County California which is a pretty wealthy part of California and California's a pretty wealthy part or a wealthy state relative to other states in the country so I was fortunate to go to some really good public schools and without them I couldn't be here teaching what I'm teaching right now when I think about how many millions tens of millions of people are robbed of their potential by not having access to high quality public schools and it's it's it's a tragedy it's really a tragedy we're shooting ourselves in the foot and almost no politician is seriously addressing the the public school issue you know as much as I love some of the politicians that are out there right now in the Democratic side like Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren and so forth they have some good proposals but they're not talking about improving significantly improving public schools that's one of the huge oversights right now with this Democratic slave Kent and the Republicans and conservatives forget about it they don't care about improving public schools the the education secretary that Trump is put into office right now is is ideologically opposed to public schools wants to basically undermine them and defund them it's it's utterly absurd utterly absurd total devilry and that's another one of those things you know for you libertarians you know what does government do well public education actually government does public education quite well there are a lot of public community colleges public universities like in California we have a great public university system I went to a public university UCI quite good you know it's not Ivy League but but quite good quite affordable relative to Ivy League schools so we need more of that all across the country and you know I got a great public education it's possible it's just a matter of funding it's not that it's difficult to do government can do public education public education is not rocket science it's just that you have to have the will and the funding to want to do it you have to prioritize it if you give schools the funding pay teachers much better structure the curriculum properly you're gonna have excellent public schools this is not some that's like some far-fetched utopian idea this this is already existing there are already great public schools all across the country they can be replicated we also need to change how we teach in these schools rather than teaching content to be memorized we to teach more for wisdom and for discovery we need to teach children not what to think and what to believe but how to think school needs to be much more exploratory where you're discovering things for yourself there also needs to be a lot more input and choice for the children in the schools so that they can choose their own subjects so they can pursue the things that they're naturally passionate about because not all kids are equally passionate about all subjects of course schools need to incorporate and start to teach mindfulness meditation mysticism spirituality yoga and consciousness this is absolutely central this is the whole point of school the whole point of school is to teach consciousness and wisdom and self-actualization and right now school is teaching none of it so basically if I had my wish right now you know if I had a magic lamp and I had three wishes one of my wishes would be to take all of the stuff that I teach through actualize that org and to make it freely publicly available and taught in school entire classes we need to have classes on metaphysics classes on epistemology classes on yoga classes on meditation classes on mindfulness classes on emotional mastery classes on philosophy classes on psychology classes on spiral dynamics and developmental psychology classes on sociology this would completely transform education it would also make education much more practical much more interesting and students would be much more passionate about it because all these subjects are extremely interesting and they all directly relate to your own life soft development and self-help needs to be the core of school and everything else is a tangent is of course we're going to teach math I'm going to teach English and I'm going to teach history yeah we teach all that stuff but all of that is secondary to the primary aim school which is to teach you how to be a conscious wise independently critical thinking human being we will also teach basic life skills like cooking nutrition healthy eating fitness exercise we will also teach business and marketing skills so that you're able to exit school and actually start your own business for example basic finance skills need to be taught how to do your taxes how to calculate interest rates and make sure that you're not over budget and this sort of stuff there needs to be a massive push for teaching relationships conscious relationships conscious communication skills and conscious marriage skills this would be a huge improvement to society my god how much collective suffering is created because in school we are not taught at all about conscious relationships communication or marriage we also need to be taught about masculinity and femininity how much devilry comes about because people don't have a proper understanding of masculinity and femininity so many problems so many self-esteem issues so much demonization of the other side you know a lot of toxic masculinity is is popular today the red pull movement and all the sorts of stuff because they simply don't understand femininity have a demonized some identity and then females could also stand to understand masculinity more and then this also would help with LGBTQ issues as well because a lot of those have to do with finding your balance on the masculine feminine spectrum and it is a pretty wide spectrum parenting skills need to be taught whether in school or in college or maybe there's there's special community college programs you can take for parenting skills this would be huge we have so many parents raising children who have no basic understanding of parenting skills the ecology of parenting I have an episode called how to raise Rockstar kids which I wear I talk about some of the psychology of parenting we need conscious politics to be taught in school as well so all of this does four part series this needs to be taught in school this needs to be standard knowledge for anyone graduating high school for any voter think about the quality of voting that we would have people were taught all this stuff that I'm talking about we also need high quality sex education and drug education not fear-mongering about drugs but high quality science-based drug education we also need to expand study abroad programs so that people actually don't just go to school here but actually you're you're required before you're a Jew eight high school you're required to spend at least six months studying abroad in Japan in China in Russia in in the Middle East in Europe you know in South America so that this promotes tolerance of multiple cultures and opens one's mind grows one's mind significantly of course spiral dynamics and developmental psychology need to be taught to everybody because it's so central to understanding how human beings work and very importantly you need to be taught how to find your life purpose if I was in charge of school I would have as one of my goals that by the time you leave high school every child has found their life purpose and knows what they want to do career-wise so everything I talk about in my life purpose course that would just be part of the standard curriculum in school in high school it would be taught over multiple years you would be guided to find what it is that you really want to be doing in life that would enormous ly optimize the kind of work people do right now literally hundreds of millions of people in this country are working dead-end jobs simply because nobody properly guided them into finding their true life purpose and because of this they're wasting 90% of their creative energy working this dead-end job where they could be doing something there a [ __ ] about and not only earning more money but creating more value for the world and be happier about themselves having a higher self-esteem being more passionate inspiring others to be passionate being more loving this is absolutely central and it's not taught in schools right now at all so I'm I'm really passionate about the schooling topic it's it's a massive topic in and of itself and man it's just it's just so important it's it's a travesty and a tragedy that we're not investing billions more dollars into this and it's just so obvious - if it's so utterly obvious that this would improve society there's no question about it there's no question I think we need free college free universities and free trade schools for everybody the argument for free university is exactly the same argument as for free high school why is it that you're okay with free high school but you're not okay with free college what's the difference there is no difference in the modern world modern society high school is not enough to be competitive in the global marketplace with all the technology that we have you need technical skills you need higher education you need college everybody should go to college and of course college should also teach more practical stuff and if you don't want to go to college you want to just become a tradesman we need to have trade schools that chishu specific trades that you want to be an artist learn that if you want to be a plumber and electrician go to a trade school learn that instead of college if that's what you want right so set that we're forcing you to go to college but we're offering you choices and then you get to choose what you want to do but the whole point is that by the time you get out of college or out of a trade school you need to be set up with the skills you need to have a job to have a sense of life purpose a sense of direction a sense of security a way to meet your basic survival needs because if you're not able to meet your basic survival needs that hope that holds the entire country back because then you're depressed your egg see you're leeching off people you're then more likely to to scam people to exploit people to take jobs that are not high consciousness what kind of people work for exploitative corporations the kind of people that have no other option because they have no other higher sense of life purpose because no one has helped them to find it it's society's job to help people find it the reason this is not just an individual's job but a societal job is because this stuff is extremely tricky and complicated we can't expect the majority of people to figure the [ __ ] out you know I've been very fortunate in my life to be able to figure some of this out for myself out for myself but this stuff is so extremely tricky and complicated sometimes and and just you know sometimes I'm like damn I was so lucky to just stumble into this stuff the way that I did because the majority of people never will and it's a tragedy that they're missing out on all this amazing stuff we need to change markers for measuring national success no longer is national success gonna be measured by GDP but by happiness by love by consciousness and by corruption indexes we can track these things we can develop tests for tracking consciousness development level happiness level capacity for love and corruption index of a country we need to track these every single year we need to post them publicly so everybody sees how well we're doing and where we need to improve of course we need to end a drug war because it has not been successful it's been proven to not be success when you legalize marijuana we need to legalize psychedelics we need treatment clinics for addiction there are powerful psychedelic tools like ibogaine mushrooms LSD v Mao DMT which are proven to be extremely effective at curing addiction hearing alcoholism curing a heroin addiction opioid addiction ibogaine is the best opioid addiction treatment that exists it's absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the problem is ibogaine is a psychedelic and is illegal in America absolutely disgusting that that's the case but that is the case so we to not only legalize psychedelics we need to popularize psychedelics we need to have psychedelic education we need have psychedelic clinics available in all neighborhoods where you can go in there are trip sitters there they will provide you with free psychedelics the psychedelics are totally pure any psychedelic you want this there are classes and courses that you can take that train you how to properly take psychedelics so that you don't freak yourself out and then you are guided by experts by experienced trip sitters and Psychonauts in these various clinics they will guide you and show you how to how to trip properly how to have profound mystical experiences how to raise your conscious now to develop yourself how to cure your depression cure your anxiety cure your panic attacks your your PTSD experience God and all this just this one change the psychedelic links if we implemented this this would transform all of society within a few generations which is precisely why people resist it so much we need massive funding for small business and entrepreneurship take away the subsidies for large corporations that don't need them give them to young budding entrepreneurs who have new exciting ideas for new inventions and technologies we need massive funding for objective journalism journalism is getting corrupted and squashed under this rampant capitalism that we have right now much of cable news is not really journalism its clickbait and sensationalistic news it's tabloid news this lack of serious objective journalism in mainstream media is seriously harming the entire society in all of our political discourse and there need to be serious protections for journalists so that journalists can do the reporting without being prosecuted persecuted or threatened by government officials or anybody else we need massive funding for broadband internet in rural areas in America we need to increase the budget for space exploration and the reason we need to do that is for two reasons first of all because well actually three reasons first of all because space exploration that's a huge new business field that's going to be opening up in the centuries to come so government helping to spur that on is great because it's gonna help the economy also is gonna help to develop new technologies as we push ourselves to the cutting edge of what's possible with space exploration that will push NASA to develop new technologies those technologies then percolate and trickle down to the rest of society this has been shown to be true with with various kinds of work that nASA has done in the past with the moon landing and so forth also because it's inspirational the human race needs something beyond itself to work towards it can't just be us here trying to get rid of poverty and trying to you know have a better more comfortable life and driving a faster sports car it can't just be about that it needs to be about something higher something higher is exploring the outer reaches of space maybe even finding outer you know life in outer space maybe even beginning to interact with it in some way all this stuff might sound like science fiction but it's going to happen it's just a matter of time so we might as well we might as well embrace it III think it's also important that we fund some sort of meteor defense system NASA should be working on a system to protect us against asteroid or meteor strikes this is a very serious problem and we can pitch in all the all the different government agencies space agencies from around the world can pitch in the Europeans the Indians the Chinese the the Japanese can all chip in to build this defense system because this could literally wipe us out in a single day and it's directly related to our survival we need better funding for national parks museums and monuments we need a much stronger consumer protections agency which was recently developed by Elizabeth Warren a presidential candidate right now the Consumer Protection Agency is at a brilliant idea we need to massively expand it and massively fund it it protects consumers against various kinds of corporate shenanigans and fraud against banks exploiting you with various kinds of fees and loan sharking and all the sort of stuff I think we also need a special agency like the anti-corruption enforcement agency that specifically hunts out corruption within government within police with in all areas of public and corporate life and roots that [ __ ] out because corruption is is the greatest enemy when it comes to health care we need free health care for all at the point of service nobody should die because they lack money in a conscious society nobody would be allowed to die or go hungry for lack of money that's only possible in a selfish unconscious society we need cheap government produced generics for drugs once once a drug is no longer a brand drug after the patent expires you know the corporation's have a 15-year patent or so once that patent expires the generic should be heat just like dirt cheap health care is not an industry where you gauge people for money we need also a massive push on preventative care funding for preventative care this will reduce a lot of sickness and disease and increase creative potential across the board we also need serious research and development in holistic medicine and then the education of holistic medicine across the board holistic medicine needs to be taught in schools and universities it needs to be taken seriously not snickered at and called whoo-hooo a new age because this holistic medicine can save millions of lives improve millions of lives it's just a no-brainer I also think we need free gym access we have a huge obesity problem in America free gym access for all I also think we need a technology safety testing center so new technologies and gadgets are being developed all the time you know we have 5g wireless telephones coming online people say that there's going to be problems with radiation from that who really knows the problem is that we're developing technologies faster and faster but they're not really being tested for safety there needs to be a government agency whose whole job is just to test new gadgets new technologies all the emerging stuff that's coming out if there's cloning if there's genetic engineering if there's AI you know man computer interfaces you know all this stuff is coming virtual reality various kinds of different websites social media sites that are very addictive all of this needs to be tested for safety new kinds of chemicals new plastics that are used new materials that are invented every single year that are used in in consumer products all this needs to be tested for safety and you know individuals can't do it and no nor no corporation is gonna do it because it's not to their benefit to do it government has to do it we also need strong funding for national emergencies and disasters and strong training and preparedness earthquakes hurricanes tornadoes fires and so forth droughts floods we need to give humanitarian aid to terrorist countries so those countries that have the most terrorists rather than bombing them we need to offer them a lot of humanitarian aid show them our benevolence and love by giving them food and helping them out in all sorts of ways getting the medicine giving them gadgets and technology and solar panels and all this and if we do that then those countries will start to actually like America rather than to hate America because we keep drone striking them of course they hate America with all those drone strikes we need to work to help to elevate other nations without exploiting them for profit right now America's foreign policy on the surface it proclaims to want to spread democracy around the world but actually what's happening is that giant corporations have hijacked our foreign policy and are using it to strong-arm developing countries in order to extract profit from them to exploit them their labor force and their natural resources this needs to end this is the worst kind of devilry no conscious government would allow this our interventions abroad should not be military for the most part and they should be humanitarian helping to uplift those nations that need it the most we should not be engaged in the overthrow event of any foreign governments this should be illegal for the CIA to to be engaged in foreign governments are sovereign governments let them do what they do if there's a dictatorship or something we got to tolerate that dictatorship as long as they're not attacking us let them work it out they got to go through their own growing pains you can't just topple a dictator and then install a democracy it don't work that way because the dictator was elected by low consciousness underdeveloped citizens so toppling him is not going to solve that problem as Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan have shown us it's just gonna be a waste of money and it's only going to provoke those people and make them more angry for invading their countries and overthrowing their democratically elected governments and regimes I think we need a few more constitutional amendments we need one constitutional amendment that guarantees the right to alter one's consciousness the government shall not abridge one's right to alter one's consciousness this is really a corollary to the government shall not abridge your right to the practice of religion because religion really is about altering one's consciousness and of course this would protect the criminalization of things like psychedelics we also need some kind of constitutional amendment that specifically guarantees privacy rights against electronic surveillance and protects our data from giant corporations like Apple Google Facebook and so forth so there needs to be some serious constitutional protection for that and from NSA warrantless wiretapping and spying which is completely out of hand and obnoxious social media platforms need to be treated as public utilities so Facebook is a public utility YouTube is a public utility Instagram and so forth and search search engines need to be public utilities so Google is a public utility they can still run the show they can still make money off of it but there there are gonna be there's now going to be acknowledged that these are way too massive and too important to simply be under corporate control and that there needs to be significant public oversight over all of these platforms to ensure that they're fair unbiased and not overly corporatized certain marketplaces digital marketplaces also need to turn into public utilities for example Apple's App Store the Amazon Marketplace perhaps places like eBay these are really public utilities and they also need to be over sited and protected against various kinds of corporate exploitation and shenanigans the government needs to fund serious research into mysticism meditation spirituality psychedelics paranormal phenomena and psychic phenomena massive research needs to be done in this and the reason government needs to be the tip of the spear and lead the way is because there's not a lot of money in this for business so this is perfect for the government and also because this is direct this is directly related to the whole point of government which is to help elevate consciousness how can you help to elevate consciousness when you are ignorant and you don't have enough science and research on meditation yoga mysticism spirituality psychedelics paranormal stuff psychic stuff all of this stuff is real and it's worth studying and researching and investigating seriously with hundreds of billions of dollars I want to see clear scientific research about which meditation techniques are we are better for which people which psychedelics are best for which types of illnesses and problems how they work exactly and all of that needs to be figured out I want to see massive funding for recycling programs I want to see a ban on nuclear power because frankly we just don't need it it's dirty its problematic earthquakes and tsunamis create all sorts of radiation problems meltdowns and so forth as we've seen in Japan and Russia and elsewhere we can do just fine with solar energy by subsidizing solar energy I don't think we really need nuclear or anything else balanced budgets for you conservatives I'm a big balanced budget guy in this way I'm different than most liberals and Democrats who just are are happy with with with running up a giant deficit and a giant debt I'm not at all I think that we need to have balanced budgets in the government of course you can't implement that overnight it's not realistic right now but you know in the longer term 50 years from now I foresee that the government will have some some stipulations and regulations for it that like we have to balance our budget we can't overspend we can't just tax future generations of children we got a balance our [ __ ] just the way that cities do and states do and individuals do so must the federal government and if that means higher taxes then so be it higher taxes but we're gonna have a balanced budget and the reason that is is because if we don't balance our budget and our deficit gets way out of hand there's going to be economic consequence this leads to potential recessions depressions collapses at least to anxiety and lack of confidence in the system it leads to down ratings of our bonds and and and credits by by national rate rating agencies and so forth so it's it's not healthy to be overspending I think we also need to change the way that fines are issued for breaking laws fines will no longer be fixed prices or fixed amounts but rather a percentage of one's net worth so for example if I once heard a story that Steve Jobs when he was alive and he was running Apple you know he was a billionaire he had a lot of money and he would like to drive really fast and he would like to park like in illegal illegal ways I guess it was like parking in handicapped cells or something or he would just drive to probably combination of those and but he didn't care he would get so many tickets he didn't care because of course you know for Steve Jobs paying $500 for a speeding ticket or $200 for a parking ticket is nothing whereas if you're poor if you work at Starbucks earning a minimum wage and you get a speeding ticket for $500 that's like 10% of your entire net worth right there this is completely unfair because the whole point of a fine is to disincentivize some activity so when you get wealthy enough basically all the fines that exist for poor people are completely irrelevant to you and no longer serve as a disincentive that means you can act like an [ __ ] with impunity so what I propose is that the fine is a percentage of your net worth so for example if Steve Jobs is caught speeding the fine in the law is not defined as $500 the fine is defined as 2 percent of your net worth so Steve Jobs if he's caught speeding he'll have to pay 500 million dollars now that's the proper incentive and it's fair and it's proportional because hey you know when a poor person earning minimum wage is caught speeding to them that's a life and death problem to them that $500 fine daddy is like 5 or 10% of their net worth that's that's big for them and they actually need that money more than Steve Jobs does because Steve Jobs if he if he has to pay 5% of his net worth for a speeding ticket he's still gonna have billions left over he can he can survive just fine but when a poor person has to pay 10% of their net worth they might not have enough money now to feed their children you see I think we also need to do this with bail right now rich people can just get off on bail cash bail whereas poor people cannot so bail needs to be set as a percentage of one's net worth so if a billionaire goes to jail he's gonna he's gonna pay like a hundred million dollars bail not just a million because a million for a billionaire is nothing he doesn't sweat it at all I think we need serious gun background checks I don't want to ban all guns I think we should have handguns and so forth but they need to be properly issued which means that you can't have a gun unless you go through a mandatory rigorous training program that teaches you about gun safety you got to take the course pass the test just like at least you have to do with the DMV only then can you buy a gun when you buy a gun there's a national registry of all guns so the government knows how many guns you have what kind of guns you have where you purchased them and so forth and you got to pass some mental safety checks so mental health your mental health you have to have a clean history you can't be an abuser of children or you can't you can't hit your wife and own a gun you can't have a mental illness that owned a gun you can't be on antidepressants and own a gun and this sort of stuff this is just very basic this is not really a ban on guns the government is not coming for your guns so don't give me that [ __ ] we just need some sensible background checks and safety measures also all guns should should have some kind of locking mechanism that locked them to prevent children or unauthorized users from from using those guns maybe it's a bio bio sensor biometric sensor fingerprint sensor or it could just be a physical lock but you know as technology improves it'll probably be a biometric sensor so that only the person who the gun is registered to can fire that gun I think we also need to make US territories States or allow them to go their own separate way and be independent so Puerto Rico needs to be turned into a state or be made independent same with Guam and certain other US territories that exist because it's unfair that they don't get proper representation in Congress at the federal level companies who outsource jobs to other countries to try to get cheap labor have to be barred from getting subsidies and government contracts so if you want to outsource your job to India or Bangladesh and you're a US company fine do it but you will never get a subsidy or a government contract ever again so it's your choice what you want to do you can't have it both ways I think we also need free kindergarten in pre-k it's very important I think we need to equalize taxation for online stores and brick-and-mortar stores because right now Amazon and other online stores are killing brick and mortar stores simply because of the taxation loophole that's there the taxation should be equal and it still isn't for many online stores I think it's also very important that we regulate AI facial recognition genetic engineering and man-made or man-machine interfaces because all of these are going to be huge developments in the future that have serious abuse potential corporations will definitely abuse this stuff if they can if they're not checked I think we need a public forum for serious policy discussion right now there is no public forum for serious policy discussion we have cn we have MSNBC we have FoxNews maybe a few other mainstream news sources a few newspapers and none of them have serious policy discussions they're full of ads they're full of spin they're full of stupid partisanship we need something that's non-ideological non partisan non corporate where there are you can tune into it it's maybe it's an online channel website a cable show don't know what it is but some sort of forum where people can have serious discussions about public policy that doesn't exist right now and it's very problematic I think we need a special regulation on predatory advertising and marketing we need to ban junk food ads ban all pharmaceutical ads ban all military industrial complex propaganda ads ban all fossil fuel ads and banner ads on all credit cards and payday loans my reasoning behind this is the exact same reasoning as to why there is a ban on cigarette ads and there is a ban on alcohol ads near schools for exact same reason because all of these industries and all of these advertisements are advertising extremely exploitative unconscious unhealthy products and services which most people don't recognize as being problematic so they're like traps people fall into the junk food trap to the pharmaceutical trap into the fossil fuel trap into the payday loan and credit card trap and all of this has made a million times worse by the advertising that these companies are able to do on cable TV on YouTube across the internet in newspapers magazines and so forth there's no reason to advertise this stuff we don't need to ban junk food but you shouldn't be able to to advertise it as blatantly as its advertised these days on TV same thing with all those commercials works like ask your doctor for this antidepressant or for this pill or for that thing or these ads that are run by these fossil fuel companies or they try to sell you know how generous they are and how much charity they do and actually how they're not evil you know fossil fuel companies but they're actually working towards green energy this is just propaganda this should not aloud we need to have a department for the regulation of advertising and marketing we need to bring truth and integrity and consciousness to advertising this is a huge problem I also think we need a department in the government for the empirical testing of public policy which means that any public policy which is enacted will be split tested and it will be carefully monitored and then those results will be delivered back to the people and to the politicians so that we can then make better informed choices so for example if we if we legalize marijuana for 10 years this department this empirical testing Department will will actually track all the results track the deaths track the overdoses track the addiction potentials track all that track the economic statistics and then at the end it will issue a report which will say here's exactly what happened whether it's a overall positive or negative did it hurt the economy helped the economy that it increased deaths decreased us how did it how did it affect cancer how to defect diseases how to defect depression mental health now shootings all of this needs to be tracked you know you can't track it perfectly but we got to start doing this and also we got to start split testing policies so one of the benefits of having multiple states is that we can have like one state legalize marijuana while another one doesn't and then we can compare those after five ten years and see what the results are we can have one state banned guns another state not banned guns and then test that and see what the results are and then from that we can make empirical policy decisions in this way we remove the partisanship from from from politics and also we make compromise easier because now we can just say like well those of us who are for legalizing marijuana and those who are against if we really believe that our position is right we should be able to to put our money where our mouth is and actually be willing to empirically test it so like I'm perfectly happy to empirically the legalization of marijuana for ten years and if the results come out that the legalization of marijuana ends up hurting people more than it helps people then let's roll it back and let's ban it if I'm wrong and I could be wrong I don't think I'm wrong I think that if we legalize marijuana it will it will overall it'll be on that net positive but I'm not sure about that we got to test that right because we can always be tricking ourselves so this goes for all of the policies that I mentioned above if anything that I measured above is implemented and split tested and it turns out to not improve society not improve conscious and not improve love make things worse increase corruption then we Nix it and we try something else that's empirical politics overall I want to say that the whole scheme that I'm laying out here is an end to capitalist materialist hoarding and exploitation that does not mean an end to capitalism this is an evolution to a more conscious form of capitalism a more ethical and more moral form of capitalism capitalism can't stay still like everything has to evolve this is capitalism that now incorporates some socialistic elements but it's still not socialism I'm also considering a ubi I like the idea of a ubi we need to have a robust welfare system in addition to the ubi I think the problem with the ubi is that if you're only proposing the ubi as a replacement for everything else that I said that's a no-go that doesn't work you can't replace some of these things that I've said with cash a lot of the things that I talked about here are way more valuable than cash there's no amount of cash you can give a person to buy some of the things I talked about no amount of cash will buy you clean water no amount of cash will buy you a a good education and and you know eliminate corruption in government no amount of cash is gonna do this for you so a ubi has to be in addition to various other social safety nets basically what I'm aiming out here with with all these policies is that we're trying to get society to a point where all of the basic needs of a human being are fully satisfied food shelter school college education day care child care medical care retirement disability your job your career all of that is basically made easy and effortless within society now of course this is a long-term goal we can't do this in the next election cycle I'm talking about a few hundred years into the future this is what society is moving towards we're also moving towards a more world government more global cooperation of course individual countries will still retain certain individual sovereignties and rights in the same way that states do within the United States individual states still have a lot of power within the states but there will also be an overarching umbrella government and the key to that is we want to get to a point where we have a global military force one global military force where the individual forces of individual nations are abolished and the reason we want to do this is because this will save us an enormous amount of waste within military right now countries waste hundreds of billions of dollars every single year on useless weapons of mass destruction just for their own personal defense in case they get attacked or they want to attack somebody else and this is so wasteful and they need to do that and they're all doing it because it's sort of an arms race so the whole point is that if we could get everybody T in the world to unionize and to start to agree that we don't need to attack each other anymore to the point where we completely eliminate the possibility of war and what we have then is we just have a global military force which we still need in case you know some bad actor erupts but this will be a rare occurrence in this way we will be able to save a massive amount of resources for every country and those instead of being used on external Wars and battles we'll be able to use be used internally to improve the infrastructure of the country and do all the other stuff that I've talked about and in this way we will actually end up cutting taxes so in the short term the stuff that I'm talking about will raise taxes on people especially on the rich but also even on the middle-class it'll raise taxes to be realistic but in the long term what we're altima to is actually we're going to end up having lower taxes in total than we have right now in let's say a hundred years after we have a unionized global government in a global military force and we abolished the American military force and the Russian military force and so forth and that is maybe a huge turning point in human history and human evolution that will be as important of a turning point as was the development of individual nations out of city-states back during you know the Roman times during the Roman times there were no countries there was no Italy there was no Germany there were provinces and really not even provinces but cities individual city-states those city-states unionized because they realized that it's it's much more efficient for us not to have every neighboring city fighting each other you know how inefficient that is when every city has to build a [ __ ] wall around itself extremely inefficient well the same problem is happening right now at a national level which is why global government is not only important and good and necessary but it's absolutely inevitable so those of you who are against globalism this is the sort of anti-globalist trend that I see amongst libertarians and assertive x' this is a no-go you're gonna lose that battle you can resist globalism all you want but first of all it's not the evil that you think it is really the evil that you attribute to globalism is what I'm talking about with corruption when we improve the corporate corruption problems and we make government more transparent then globalism is not going to be the evil that you think that it is and this will save us an enormous amount of resources if we're able to eliminate war between different nations in the same way that we have eliminated war between different cities have you noticed that different cities don't fight with each other like New York and Los Angeles don't [ __ ] launch weapons and missiles at each other California doesn't launch missiles against Texas why is that precisely because we've unionized at a higher order and that's what all of reality is doing its creating unions at a higher order this has been happening to our all of human history is gonna continue to happen so don't resist it embrace it and reap the benefits all right that's it for all my policy proposals I still have some more concluding remarks let's take an intermission right here and I'll be back with with those okay now I want you to notice a few things about the things that I just said up above first of all I want you to notice how tangible many of these policies are and so here is where the rubber meets the road and we're conscious politics becomes very practical and it's not just utopian philosophy even though of course some of the things that I said will be difficult to implement because there will be a lot of resistance from the status quo and of course some of the things I said can sound utopian because it might take 50 or 100 years to implement them but but also a lot of things that I said are very practical can be done today I also want you to notice that the purpose of all of the policies that I mentioned is actually to increase freedom so if you love freedom that's what I'm talking about here this is not designed to create some oppressive world government which rules you and dominates you this is not what this is about this is an increase in freedom but you have to understand that freedom is a complex nonlinear counterintuitive thing and that we need to strike a delicate balance it's not just as simple as anybody do whatever they want that doesn't really truly create freedom to truly create freedom you have to hold in check and you have to create limitations strategic careful limitations upon certain elements of a system such that there is more freedom for other elements of the system you see by meeting people's basic needs by providing a basic social net safety net by by providing quality education quality health care and some of these other things by limiting corporations ability to influence and corrupt politics yes those are all strategic limitations which on the surface might seem like oh no Leo it's not freedom it's oppression but look at what it gives you it then creates an environment in which you're able to truly have new more complex orders of freedom how free are you really if you don't get a proper education how free are you really when corporations have bought out your entire government using billions of dollars of lobbying money are you really free in that situation how free are you really when a corporation is free to dump toxic radioactive chemicals and rivers is that really freedom I want you to start to appreciate the complexity of freedom it's not nearly as simple as your libertarian ideologies and conservative ideologies have led you to believe I also want you to notice very importantly that none of the above that I've mentioned is yet proper socialism of course if your conservative you might interpret what I'm saying is socialism but really it's not and I myself am a capitalist I enjoy earning money I enjoy having a profit I enjoy entrepreneurship and small business ship I enjoy all that and generally I think that's a good thing and I want to encourage more of that I don't want to take that away but also we have to acknowledge what happens when business becomes excessive when corporatism becomes excessive and starts to corrupt the whole system so the reason that all the stuff that I said above is not really socialism is because the proper definition of socialism is public ownership of the means of production that means all the factories all the companies are actually privately or publicly owned rather than privately owned and I have not said that I think that's a problematic idea I think there's some interesting ideas there some nuggets of truth but also it's problematic I wouldn't want to just blank it say that we should eliminate all private ownership of the means of production there's problems there so in my system private property is still strong you can still start a business you can earn a business you can run a business you can have employees you can earn good money most industries in my system are still privately run so even though it might sound like I said oh god the government gets to do a lot of stuff the government gets to manufacture generics the government gets to run the post office the government gets to do various research and development to things and so forth and run the space program there's still plenty of room for private industry in all this and still the majority of industries are going to be private privately run it's really only the giant businesses that are being heavily regulated as they should be having giant businesses monopolize the marketplace to the point of eliminating all competition which is exactly what they're incentivized to do because a business wants to eliminate all competitors that is not healthy capitalism and in fact Adam Smith talked about this he talked about the the need to carefully regulate capitalism so that it doesn't just dominate and rake the entire game in its favor or corporations don't do that you're still allowed to make good profits you still can be a millionaire you can even become a billionaire under my system but you will pay more for it and it will be harder that's right because if it's harder for you to become a millionaire and a billionaire that means it's easier for people who are not earning that much to survive so there has to be some trade-offs here so this notion that somehow olio why do we have to inconvenience the millionaires and the billionaires because the whole point of this discussion we're talking about what is the proper redistribution of resources resources in society are always being redistributed there's no such thing as like well if we leave it all alone then there's gonna not gonna be a redistribution of resources no the game is always about distribution of resources so the question is what's the most healthiest harmonious balanced most conscious way of distributing resources making it harder to be a millionaire in a billionaire is a good thing for society not a bad thing because what that means is that then it's easier for working-class people to be in the middle class yes it's a bit of a drag on millionaires and billionaires but you know what tough [ __ ] there's bigger problems in the world to worry about than billionaires and millionaires also notice that this encourages what I'm talking about these policies are designed to encourage creativity art science and innovation it's designed to encourage small business entrepreneurship because large corporations actually suffocate out small business entrepreneurs so by putting them in check it makes it easier for you to start your business and to work for yourself which is what I want so here's my ultimate vision for a government the goal is not for government to take over your life nobody cares about that nobody wants that it's not like somebody's sitting here and saying okay what kind of policies can we imagine for government to take over your life this is a straw man this is not we're talking about the goal the goal of government is to make strategic decisions - unwritten and to create a system which is a fertile environment for creativity exploration independence flourishing autonomy health harmony fairness consciousness love peace and happiness that's what we all want so then the question becomes what kind of policies helped to do that and I think the ones I listed above are good candidates now they need to be tested out and the details of course matter about how they're implemented and we need to find the right priorities in which to implement them we can't do them all at once because it's way too much but generally this should lead to creating an environment where the rules are set in such a way that then human beings are able to do what they want to do live the kind of life they want to live see right now you're not able or many people in America are not able to live the life that kind of they want to live because they're stuck in crippling wage poverty or wage slavery or they're stuck with huge medical bills which they can't do anything which with and it makes them go bankrupt or they're stuck you know babysitting their children because there's not proper health care or child care that's available to them daycare mm-hmm or they have to work a dead-end job because they didn't get a good education when they were growing up because they were they just happened to be born into a poor car a part of the country where the taxation scheme the real estate taxation scheme was such that their school wasn't properly funded you see so we're trying to fix that and create a more fair system now many of these changes that I'm proposing require significant cultural changes and this is the thing that annoys people especially many conservatives and traditional people it makes traditional people uncomfortable that we have to make all these cultural changes because they want their culture you know to stay as it is because they're attached to the culture but guess what culture is always changing you're always evolving always has always will be you can't clean the culture that's a losing battle I understand though that some people can feel attacked when we start talking about changing culture especially changing it to radically or to quickly I understand that people get scared of new stuff and if they're not totally open-minded then they perceive it as as a negative and so that's why we have a lot of these culture wars and a lot of what conservatives are reacting against with the social justice warriors and the liberals and progressives is there a reacting not so much against the policies because the policies would actually be helpful to many conservatives you know raising the minimum wage to fifteen or twenty dollars an hours that would be helpful to many conservatives in rural parts of the country that would be a really good wage for for many people who live in rural areas because you know $15 doesn't get you very far in New York but $15 gets you very far if you're living in the middle of nowhere working at McDonald's in Alabama that's that's that's more than a living wage in Alabama or in Texas and other parts of the of the country so a lot of these proposals would help conservatives the problem though is is they get they get hung up on the cultural stuff and it's like well but but Leo I don't want to be one of these social justice warrior hippie peace-loving no pacifist a New Ager type of people it's just kind of soft its feminine this is this soy boy sort of approach to the world you know it's soft its kind of weak it's it's emotional its kind of feminine and womanly and girly yeah you're opposed to a sort of a cultural shift so really your objection is not based on the policies it's based on identity you're attached to certain identity certain hyper masculine identity or no macho identity a certain traditional identity trying to preserve your heritage preserve the way things were preserve a certain set of you know libertarian ideals that you hold so this is one of the greatest obstacles that we're facing here again like I said this is why we can't have nice stuff to have nice stuff we have to be willing to let go of the stuff that we're clinging to and this is where identity becomes such a central issue in all of personal development all spirituality all of life revolves around what you're identified with and so like I said for society to evolve individuals have to evolve and what is the individual evolution but the surrendering of limited identities to expand into larger ones likewise what is the evolution of a culture or of a society but the surrendering of various collective identities that people are attached to it's very much like a lobster or a crab or a snake shedding its shell or its skin it goes to various growing pains and when it first sheds that skin you know it has this hard carapace this Lobster has this hard carapace which protects it from the world but then it has to shed that and in the process of shedding it first of all that process is uncomfortable it takes a while but then after it sheds its old carapace its new carapace isn't fully hardened yet its kind of soft and it feels vulnerable that's right that's how growth is done but that's necessary because the old carapace was so rigid it was it was literally stopping the muscles and then all the meat and the bones in the in the in the lobster from growing and expanding to a larger size this is exactly what's happening with you individually as you're doing self-improvement and exactly what's happening politically collectively as well with our culture so let me address some top objections here that people have about what I'm proposing the first one is this but Leo won't all these benefits that you're trying to give to people you know free health care free education free this free that you bi all these nice things won't this make people lazy and soft and weak what will people do once government provides all their survival needs and benefits what's left in life are they you're just gonna be like lazy sitting around watching TV and smoking weed is that what you envision no not at all you don't understand how the human psyche works if you have this objection what these people will do is they will self actualize you see as we meet the basic needs of life we're meeting the survival needs and then the life doesn't end at meaning your survival needs life then becomes about shifting from tier one meeting survival needs to tier 2 which is working on being needs and these are the most profound and the most rewarding needs to work on it's no longer about making sure your children are safe making sure you can pay your electric bill and making sure you have enough food in your fridge these are all very crude animalistic barbaric sort of needs once you've got all that taken care of now it becomes about all the other great stuff about life the most rewarding stuff it becomes about a sense of life purpose it becomes about helping others and helping your community it becomes about building something greater than yourself it becomes about creativity it becomes about art it becomes about science for the sake of understanding it becomes about philosophy it becomes about self-actualization it becomes about then ultimately self transcendence and spirituality and mysticism and consciousness and then ultimately it becomes about just a pure radiating of love once you've completely gone beyond all of your needs all of your physical needs once you don't even care about physical existence once you have transcended the need to even be alive in a body your life becomes about exuding and radiating and embodying the highest forms of love and this is where life becomes the sweetest this is where true happiness is found this is what every human being really wants but does it know that they want because it's so far out there and they're so far away from it because they're just so wrapped up in survival that it's not even on their radar they don't have enough vision to see that and what actualize that aura is about it's about helping you to self actualize and to live a life from being needs not from survival needs so in this sense this is an advanced teaching and actually a lot of you what you need is you need more fundamental simpler less advanced teachings which just teach you how to get your survival needs met but in a sense I'm teaching advanced stuff to advance people here that's the objective so I skip over a lot of how to meet your basic survival needs I could have a whole channel devoted just how to meet your basic survival needs and you guys would love it I would have millions of subscribers you guys would pay me millions of dollars for that information I don't do it because I've risen above it and it's not really that interesting to me also because you can find that information elsewhere there's plenty of their channels and books and courses that have been written most of self-help is about that I cover more metaphysical topics more advanced stuff the stuff that is that is very very tricky and so I also what about what I also do is I help you to make the transition from survival needs to being made so we do kind of talk about both and talk about how to move up but so the point of society doesn't end with satisfying your basic needs people are not going to become lazy rather people will finally become free to pursue be NEADS and they will finally discover what life is really about they will become powerful creators artists innovators scientists inventors healers and explorers right now less than 1% of the population in America are powerful creators you only become a powerful creator once you transcend many of your survival needs and the reason that we have so few powerful creators is because the very structure of our our economy in our society and our government is such that it incentivizes manipulation and exploitation of human resources rather than original creativity and true original providing of value this is not part of our culture our culture doesn't even make such distinctions in our culture it doesn't matter how you earn money as long as you earn lots of money good that's how our culture looks at it in the future our culture will change such that earning lots of money will no longer be a significant achievement rather the significant achievement will be how are you earning your money are you being a powerful creator that's massively contributing to the improvement of your society and then if you earn money for doing that great that's what we should really be interested in not just earning money because it's very easy to come up with a scheme for how to exploit people out of their money people do it on Wall Street every single day credit card companies do it pharmaceutical companies do it doctors and hospitals do it insurance companies do it every single day and they don't even blink an eye to them it's totally normal because our culture just says hey this is the only way we have so few people that are powerful creators that nobody even teaches you how to be a powerful creator in school nobody tells you in university nobody tells you you can go to Harvard you can go to the best universities and no one will teach you how to be a powerful creator only if you're lucky you'll stumble upon it by yourself by accident maybe you'll figure it out but the majority of people won't rather what these universities will teach you how to do is how to exploit people and when you go into business after university they'll teach you how to exploit people to maximize profits at any cost regardless of any value that you're adding to the world or not this is what needs to change don't worry about people being lazy people are not going to be lazy people are gonna become spiritual and this is exactly what we want next objection but Leo if people start stop struggling with survival what will motivate them if the fear of survival is gone how will they accomplish anything how will they get out of bed in the morning again this is a very low consciousness way to think about human motivation you're thinking about human motivation as though you can only live a good life if you're constantly threatened and scared by imminent danger know what will motivate such people who aren't struggling anymore is there mo gonna be motivated by love creativity art beauty science and life purpose these are the higher consciousness motivations most people have ever lived a life while tapped into these motivations but this is where the good life is at living out of fear and scarcity sure it could motivate you but that's a very crude barbaric animal form of motivation it's much better to be motivated by a genuine desire to be creative to be artistic to want to make beautiful things to want to discover new inventions or new scientific discoveries or to to go explore new planets and find new life-forms this is this is how you want to live your life and then sharing all of that sharing your abundance with others this is what makes you happiest that's love having a sense of life purpose doing something meaningful rather than just going to work punching a clock and flipping cheeseburgers that's what makes you satisfied in life living out of fear and desperation this makes you depressed miserable anxious petty angry hostile even suicidal next objection but leo if government is corrupt doesn't that we need that doesn't that prove that we need less government why are you suggesting more government that's good only worsen the problem again this is a misunderstanding of the problem the problem is not that government is corrupt the problem is the corruption within government so yes there is corruption within government the solution is not to eliminate government because if you eliminate government guess what corruption is not going away all you're doing is you're just now removing that balance of power such that all the corruption will now be unchecked in the corporate sector the corporate sector is totally corrupt government is a check on that even if the government is corrupt it's still a check on the much larger corruption within the corporate environment so the solution is not to reduce government the government needs to be as big as it needs to be to manage the complexity of the society that we have as we have more people of course government needs to grow so this idea that we need to reduce government while the population is exploding and while complexity and technology is exploding and accelerating this is not going to work what we need to do the solution is to remove the corruption from government and yes that is possible that is what's been happening throughout the course of all human history so if you feel that government is hurry up right now you have no idea how corrupt it used to be 50 years ago 100 years ago five hundred years ago a thousand years ago two thousand years ago you have no idea the kind of corruption that existed so we've actually come very far and so this is not some utopian idea that we can remove corruption from government this is this has been going on for thousands of years since the beginning of human civilization corruption has been slowly removed from government and it's been getting better of course it's been ups and downs but overall there's a clear trend and that trend is going to continue so whether you're on board for it or not government will become less corrupt in the future with your help or not with your help it will be better though if you got on board and you were on the right side of history here and you saw the trend lines and you saw what evolution was moving towards which is consciousness and love and consciousness and love is the opposite of corruption because corruption is selfishness and consciousness and love is selflessness so I'm talking about anti-corruption here just be careful not to conflate corruption with governments these are two different things there can be government's that are very corrupt and there can be government's which are not corrupt see likewise corruption is not a property that only applies to governments it applies to business and it applies to individuals and it applies to religions it applies to organizations keep that in mind so removing government is not going to remove corruption the prob of corruption is extremely deep and really it's the problem of selfishness which is of course what we're tackling directly with all of our self-actualization consciousness work when we work towards awakening the next suggestion is but leo taxation is theft this is a talking point at libertarians really love they hold it as a dogma and it's a very pernicious idea that taxation is theft taxation is not theft because the very notion of theft and property rights does not exist without a government so what libertarians don't understand is it there's no such thing as property rights in the natural world in the animal kingdom in the animal kingdom the strongest prevail might is right the whole point of government in society is to mollify that and to make it a little bit more manageable insane and comfortable there are no property rights if you're just living by yourself in the forest because you say that you own your tent and then if I come in there with a gun I get to say that I own your tent and if I have the gun I win that's how it really works that's how property rights get invented and established and codified and then reified as though they are real you see so taxation is the it's a cost that you pay for the property rights that then government secures for you so it's not that taxation is just something that government is stealing from you that you deserve rather your ancestors gladly made the trade-off between paying a little bit of Taxation for the safety and security and property rights that government provides rather than living in a [ __ ] jungle where anybody could come and enslave you rape you robbed you at gunpoint as long as they were stronger and bigger than you had more power and more technology than you and more people than you see so this is a very reasonable trade-off also when you say the taxation is theft you're completely ignoring all the benefits that government provides to you such as roads bridges military protections postal services and many many other things you know natural disaster relief who's going to protect you from a hurricane or from a wildfire or from an earthquake or from a terrorist attack when it happens who private company's not gonna do this there's no there's no money in it for them private companies for example do not provide flood insurance the US government the federal government has to provide flood insurance because it's a net loser it doesn't earn them money so private companies don't want to do it so and even when a private company does insure you you know how private insurance works if you've ever had to file an insurance claim oftentimes they try to screw you over and deny you coverage when you need it they'll find various loopholes and of course they structure the contracts precisely that sort of sneaky manipulative exploitative way such that when you do really need the insurance coverage because your house was destroyed by a hurricane they'll find you know there are lawyers they're well paid lawyers will find some little loophole in the contract that says that all well you know the rain damage from the hurricane doesn't really count that's separate that's flood that's technically a flood so if during a hurricane your house gets flooded well we're not responsible we're not going to cover it dad that's the kind of shenanigans that that these insurance companies will will play you see and so this think of just think about how problematic this is if this is left unchecked so taxation yeah it's something you have to pay but also don't ignore what you get back in return for it now the next objection but Leo with this high taxation that you're promoting here or on the wealthy what will motivate the millionaires and the billionaires to continue doing work and building corporations and providing jobs to people because after all EO it's these millionaires and billionaires these inventors these Bill Gates's and Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs's which create all the jobs for the lower people so you tax them too much they'll stop creating jobs again this is a misunderstanding of human psychology first of all these millionaires and billionaires they already have enough money that they're not doing it the money Jeff Bezos is not doing what he's doing for the money Bill Gates is not doing what he's doing for the money Steve Jobs was not doing what he was doing for the money so that already misunderstands what drove these people these people were driven by a desire for power maybe a desire for fame for success for creativity for artistry for entrepreneurship for the challenge of it for a sense of life purpose that's what drove these people not the millions and billions because if that's what drove them they would have quit their jobs uh decades ago they don't need to work Bill Gates doesn't need to continue to work Jeff Bezos doesn't need to continue to reheat that he can comfortably retire on tropical island and live his life in luxury forever why doesn't he precisely because it's not about the money what drives higher consciousness people is like I said artistry creativity progress science a sense of life purpose a sense of mission and ultimately love and consciousness and selfless service you know why do I run actualize I don't is it because I need the money no is it because it's the most profitable thing that I could do no there are far more profitable things I could do with my time if I went into some corporate sector I could be making millions of dollars more than I am now it's because this is my selfless service this is my love this is my cut my consciousness this is what I'm doing this is what you do once you've met your basic needs you need something higher to satisfy you so here I am so what will motivate these millionaires and billionaires the same thing that motivates me love and consciousness and selfless service and actually this will be a this will be a welcome to trade off this is exactly what we need at a certain point you stop being motivated by money shallow people are motivated by money profound conscious people are motivated by love and by selfless service and kind and that's what we need to promote more of so raising the taxes and some of these people is not going to stop them from building companies from inventing new technologies from doing science from hiring employees they're not gonna stop they'll keep doing it because it's in their DNA to keep doing that that's who they are that's who they want to be they enjoy that that's their psychic payoff the payoff here is not money the payoff for a human is the psychic payoff that you get from the work that you do see the money is just the money is only important to the extent that it meets some of your basic survival needs once it's done that you don't need any more money you don't care about it doesn't motivate you at all I barely think about money anymore it's not an issue it just gets in the way it gets in the way of really living life now of course if you're stuck in survival mode then a lot of what I'm saying here is above your head and you know you're so desperate for money that you you might think Holly oh how can you say this well that's right because your basic needs haven't been met yet so I'm talking about a society which will help you to meet your basic needs so you don't need to be like a starving dog or a homeless person that's right if I go to a homeless person and I tell the homeless person about mysticism or enlightenment or about spirituality or about God or about art creativity and love is he gonna care no because he's too hungry that he needs to meet his basic needs first before he can care about that stuff but if we feed him we clothe him we bathe him we clean him up we educate him we give him all the stuff that he wants we give him some affection we give him some friends we give him a nice house we give him a car he we give him some sex all of that then after all that he's gonna say okay well I had enough of that I can only have so much of that you know I'm not gonna keep stuffing my belly full of food forever there's only so much food you can eat at an all-you-can-eat buffet at some point it becomes sickening and then you say okay so I've exhausted that what's next and then you discover creativity art beauty philosophy science life purpose law of consciousness spirituality God and all that and that's when your life really becomes amazing next objection but leo this sounds so utopian in the short term it might sound utopian certain elements of what I say then again a lot of things I say are practical even in the short term but remember I'm presenting a long term big picture vision I'm thinking about where humanity is headed in the next 100 to 500 years that's my time frame and of course the only reason I can have such a long time frame is because I'm not thinking about it from my selfish point of view I'll be dead long before many of these things that I'm talking about are actualized and it doesn't matter to me because I'm not living from a place of a personally satisfying you know my own basic needs of course I have higher needs that I'm satisfying so I'm still not totally selfless but but this allows me to have a long time horizon and this is going to happen regardless of whether you're on board or not like I said evolution cannot be stopped it's moving towards higher love and consciousness and higher organization higher horns this will happen this is the trajectory of history so you might think that these things that I say here are utopian and impossible actually not only are they not impossible they are absolutely inevitable it's just a question of time if your time frame is ten years then yeah everything I say here is utopian impossible if your time frame is 500 years then everything I say here is obvious and inevitable and in 500 years future generations of humans will take everything that I say here as totally and they will take it for granted they will not even be able to imagine what it was like to live in the 21st century and to be shocked by some of these radical crazy progressive ideas that Leo was putting forth they're actually gonna look back at what I said in this video and they're gonna say oh my god he was so he was still so conservative and he was still so barbaric and backwards compared to where we are now 500 years later that's how it's gonna look that's always how its looked look through history that's how history looks the next objection but Leo they tried doing what you said in the USSR in the Soviet Union in North Korea in Venezuela and other parts of the world with communism and it failed so what you've tried here has been disproven and debunked or what you're advocating here has been disproven and debunked actually that's not the case what was tried in the Soviet Union North Korea and Venezuela all of these countries were grossly underdeveloped extremely corrupt staged orange or rather staged red by the name of stage red and stage blue at best the things that I'm suggesting here are not possible in a staged rant or stage blue society doesn't have enough consciousness doesn't have enough development and it's too corrupt it's too selfish for these kinds of policies to work these kinds of policies can only be implemented in a post Orange Society a post capital society that doesn't mean we completely eradicate capitalism but it means we have to go through capitalism exhaust capitalism to its limits realize and become conscious of the limits of capitalism of how capitalism eats itself and then move towards something beyond that that's what I'm talking about so many of these ideas here that I'm talking about will not work for an example in the Middle East because Middle East is not yet evolved to stage orange but many of these ideas will work in Europe especially in northern Europe and in America because we are already at orange and we are pushing past we're ready to move past so I'm talking about the next stage of evolution for some of the most developed countries in the world African countries it's still too early for them to implement all the stuff that I say here although it does show you a little bit of an idea of where you're headed it's just that it's gonna take you longer and you need to you need to go back and focus on building basic infrastructure a basic court system uncorrupted a police system you know firefighters roads highways trains airports interest you need to build that stuff build businesses on an entrepreneurship and universities and and get good at science rather than theology you know have a decent Constitution in your government get rid of gangs and violence and and mafias and cartels deal with all that then you'll be a stage Orange capitalism and then you'll be able to evolve beyond that once you realize the limitations of capitalism so the stuff I'm saying here has not been tried in the Soviet Union or North Korea or Venezuela but it has been tried in Northern Europe in the Scandinavian countries it has been tried in in Canada it has also been tried in certain progressive cities and states in America like in California in Washington in New York and it's it's worked there it's not an accident that Washington State New York State and the California State are some of the wealthiest states in the in the country you know California things like the fifth largest economy in the world just the state of California rather successful and a lot of people want to move there and live there it's not an accident because they they have more progressive governments people want to live that way the benefits are very clear and very proven so don't go confusing this with Venezuela and North Korea that's very silly also the style of government there is totally different the Soviet Union North Korea and Venezuela many of these were totalitarian dictatorships really run by dictators they were not democracies what I'm talking about here is a democracy before you implement the stuff that I said here you need a working democracy first which we already have in America it's got problems it's got corruption and stuff but we got a democracy here so we got to go to the next level the next subjection but Leo are you advocating for equality of outcome or equality of opportunity here which is it aha I caught you this is the this is the silly a Jordan Peterson talking point as if any reasonable person would ever argue for total equality of outcome nobody is talking about equality of outcome nobody is talking about making everyone's salary identical this is ridiculous this is a straw man what we're talking about is equality of opportunity the problem that folks like Jordan Pederson don't understand is that equality of opportunity is something that is not a given we are very very far away from equality of opportunity and one of the ways that we fix the equality of opportunity is by looking at the outcomes so how do you judge equality of opportunity well not in the abstract it can't just be a philosophical thing you have to actually look at the results that people get look at people's incomes and so forth that doesn't mean I'm gonna equalize everybody but it does mean that we do have to look at outcomes we have to look at you know how are african-americans doing relative to white people how are rich people doing relative to poor people we have to consider these various things how are inner-city kids in schools doing relative to kids and private schools in wealthy areas you got to consider this and then looking at looking at the outcomes the outcomes show you where the system is rigged such that then you can change the system to then produce more equal opportunity I think there's a fantasy amongst libertarians and conservatives and folks that subscribes Jordan Peterson's ideas that while Leo we've already solved the the equality of opportunity and now all these social justice warriors want is they want equality of outcome and that is a fantasy that's ridiculous and that's beyond the pale but that's not what the social justice warriors want what social justice warriors want is equality of opportunity not outcome that's a straw man and a misunderstanding of social justice warriors really what a social justice warrior is is someone who wants a more fair equal society that's less rigged towards the wealthiest at the top and towards those who have traditionally had a lot of power which is white men white men that had a lot of money so I mean what do you want do you want to be anti social justice it's a bit ridiculous when you when you really think about people who complain about social justice warriors fighting for social justice has been the cause of basically all political movements since the dawn of time starting from like the Jews rebelling against the Egyptian pharaoh in the Bible you know thousands of years ago and like the Spartacus gladiator revolt against the Roman Empire and you know Jesus standing up against the Roman Empire and the Jews in the corruption there and you know Martin Luther King and Gandhi and the and Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation you know what is political history what is human history but the standing up against gross and justices standing up against slavery standing up against various kinds of apartheid and and segregation and Jim Crow and oppression of women like this is this is human history here fighting for social justice standing up against the Nazis fighting the Japanese what is this about but social justice worrying about the Holocaust wanting to end the Holocaust this is social justice this is what we're talking about equality of opportunity no one is asking for equality of outcome you're still gonna have to work for it in this society that I'm imagining you still gonna have to work hard in fact you will work harder you will work harder than you do now flipping burgers at McDonald's because when you're flipping burgers at McDonald's you can just do that like a robot can do that it's mindless work what I'm talking about is doing conscious work having a sense of life purpose really caring deeply about your work when you care deeply about your work you're more motivated you work harder you work longer but of course you also enjoy it more it's more satisfying to it doesn't numb your mind as much it's not so robotic and enslaving next question or objection but leo aren't some people just doomed to be failures and fuck-ups and even the best government programs won't fix them I agree I'm not saying that we can fix everybody I'm not saying that if all these policies are implemented it's gonna be a utopia and everyone's gonna be enlightened and everyone's gonna be loving and there's not gonna be any poverty or or crime or anything there will still be poverty in certain areas there will still be crime there will still be diseases there will still be some exploitation there will still be some option it's not gonna be perfect far from perfect it's just gonna be better and yeah certain people with mental illnesses certain people who you know we're may be abused as children they may be they might be irredeemable certain people who want to be criminals certain people who just have totally closed mine who are ideologues who are subscribed or severus kinds of radical ideologies and religions and cults yeah you're not gonna be able to fix all those but the point is not to fix everybody the point is to create an environment a system of regulations and rules and and infrastructure to make it easy for the majority of people to evolve and then of course there will always be some people who fall through the cracks due to their own failures their own laziness their own you know lack of interest or apathy or whatever it is yeah that will happen but also acknowledge this that right now we literally have tens of millions of people in this country not to mention around the world as a whole that are squandering their lives because they lack the proper infrastructure and the proper equality of outcome or the equality of opportunity like good education decent health care and and other basic things like this a decent minimum wage which would help them to rise up and to lift themselves up by their bootstraps I love the idea of being independent and lifting oneself up by one's bootstraps but also I recognize the limitations of that idea that idea doesn't solve all collective problems and you gotta acknowledge that too so the government is not going to lift you up by your bootstraps for you the government is gonna provide you the boots and the knowledge and information you need so that you can pull yourself up that's what we're talking about but Leo won't all this be resisted vehemently by the status quo and therefore impossible to implement yes on the first part it will definitely be vehemently resisted by the status quo but it's not impossible to implement it's gonna be difficult there will be a ton of resistance it's gonna be like pulling teeth at times and you will be demonized for trying to make these reforms as people throughout history have been demonized like Jesus Gandhi Martin Luther King and so forth all these people were demonized for the for the good work that they tried to do and the reforms they tried to make but like I said it's inevitable if you don't do it somebody else is gonna do it this is what society is working towards its improving itself this is evolution there's always resistance to change and so that doesn't mean that we don't try to change and sometimes you got to fight for change I don't mean you have to physically violently fight although even sometimes that is necessary as we see throughout history a lot of violence in the name of social justice and improvement of society but just fight you know fight with your ideas fight with your conventions with political activism or whatever fight for what's right fight for progress fight for improvement that's life that's evolution it's a fight some lose some win but in the end the overall scheme is that things are improving getting more complex and becoming more whole and more unified at higher levels and the last objection but Leo this is so radical what you're saying here this is even more radical than the social justice worse and even more radically than your typical leftist here's what I'll say about that don't judge it whether it's radical or not radical that's not the issue the issue is what's right what's gonna lead to higher consciousness into more love that's what's right and if we happen to find ourselves in the dark ages in a barbaric time then yeah solutions which lead to consciousness and love will seem radical when you're stuck in a [ __ ] greatness seems radical when you're barely able to make ends meet some vision of being a millionaire seems radical seems impossible that's how it is that's why vision is one of the most important things greatness is a radical thing highly conscious people throughout history have been radical visionaries they have talked about things way ahead of their time totally misunderstood by the majority of people rejected by the mainstream of society demonized burned at the stake stoned to death this is what happens with visionaries because selfish people are scared of selfless people people who are small-minded and low conscious and underdeveloped they are scared of developed people they are scared of consciousness and they're scared of love they cling to falsehood illusions delusions ideologies selfishness exploitation because they directly benefit from it and because they're so needy that they need the fruits of that exploitation to fuel their life because without that what do they got nothing so yeah this is sort of radical but then again Jesus was radical in his time Gandhi was radical in his time Martin Luther King was radical in his time and then in hindsight now judging from where we are today all of these people and they're there their general visions have been vindicated and have inspired millions and have improved the lives of millions and billions of people of course they were also demonized and bastardized and and misunderstood you know if Jesus were certainly so corrupted in later centuries that it's also led to the deaths of millions of people but that's the nature of of progress a lot of people misunderstand the most progressive and visionary people Devils and selfish people they will take the visions of visionaries and then they will reduce them towards their own selfish needs and purposes to exploit others which is a lot of what happened with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus you have to really appreciate that you've been brainwashed by the status quo and so the reason I'm the reason the things I say seem radical is because you've been brainwashed by the status quo and the status quo is us living in the dark ages right now we are the dark ages we're not out of the medieval times we're in the medieval times it's just that because everybody around you is so bought into the brainwashing in the status quo that you you lack the contrast to see it and because your friends your family your teachers and co-workers and everybody you know around you is as equally brainwashed as you by the status quo nobody ever questions it and so therefore when somebody comes forward and proposes a radical powerful great vision it tends to be dismissed as utopian or impossible or outrageous or sacrilegious or something like that but the fact is that mankind has only actualized 1 to 5% of his full potential most human beings are born and they live their whole life and they die and they never even knew that they only lived up to 5% of the potential of mankind this is true individually but it's also true collectively of society so I'm here to tell you that there's there's a there's much more potential to actualize here for you individually and for us as society so don't don't claim too much to the past we got much greater things ahead of us we want to make sure that we don't let the as they say the enemy of the great is the good see so what we have right now is good what we can have in the future is great and then there's even levels beyond that but you have to be willing to be open to that and not to cling too much to the stuff that you're comfortable with right now growth is uncomfortable whether its individual growth or collective growth and we're seeing that right now especially in American politics with Trump and with all these debates between the social justice warriors the anti social justice warriors the alt-right the the left that progressives the centrist the concern of it in all of the neo cons the all of this this is growing pains this is how growing is done so now the final question is what do you do about all this how do you take all this information and you make it something tangible and actual first of all stop blaming and demonizing others for the problems of society accept responsibility for collective issues go beyond shallow partisan debates notice that all ideologies whether left or right are inadequate and partial then get to some work educating yourself about these topics read books watch videos you could spend a few years just doing that the way that I have study history philosophy sociology psychology spirituality social science economics developmental psychology study all this stuff so you can go beyond the partisan debates we need you to be informed we need you to have a sense of history to understand many of the complex topics that I've brought forth in these last four episodes here find high-quality sources of news and journalism don't just be skimming through YouTube or through your Facebook posts on you know stupid news about politics but like find some good sources some high quality newspapers magazines whether online or or physical these sources do exist subscribe to them pay some money every month 5 10 bucks a month pay them whatever they need you know support them because we need more high-quality objective journalism these days it's very important and right now journalism is under attack yeah so these sources exist out there I recommend you you research them and subscribe to them and pay a little bit of money for them also make sure that you vote that's probably the most important practical thing you can do after you've educated yourself go vote but don't just vote in a general election for president also vote in the primary elections vote for your favorite candidates also vote and do research not just on presidential candidates in the primaries but also on representatives congressman elected judges mm-hmm you know Treasuries and other other various kinds of more minor roles that most people are completely clueless about and apathetic towards you know research that study it find find your local government officials talk to them get involved it's more than just voting speaking of voting you might wonder well Leo who do I vote for you didn't tell me who to vote for it's actually very simple about who to vote for who you vote for is simply the person that you perceive as the most loving the most conscious the most selfless and the most spirally developed the most morally developed that's the person you vote for nothing else really matters their policies what they promise it's somewhat important but not very important what matters is their level of development and consciousness so vote for that person whoever you think that is now if to make a proper assessment you have to be objective you have to step outside of your ideology outside of your personal preferences your selfish needs your cultural clinging and various kinds of dogmas that you have and you need to study Spile dynamics to understand what development levels look like so you can quickly analyze people you know you should be able to look at a politician on a debate stage and quickly judge you know which politician based on the words they use and the ideas that they convey which of the mistakes red stage blue stage orange stage green stage yellow and so forth and then you pick the highest one and you vote for that person I also recommend that you start to donate to the most conscious candidates and politicians whoever you think those are both at the federal level but also at the local level don't forget how important local and state politics are it's not just about who's president or whose senator local matters as well and consider volunteering or even running for office in this last election of 2018 this off year election we had a lot of new people volunteering for for running for office but volunteering and then also running for office and some of them actually got elected and one like Alexandria Acacio Cortes and and many others and I foresee that more of that will happen a lot of young people running and winning a very diverse group of people men I mean women people of color gay people lesbian people so I mean the doors are open right now and one of those I think the the benefits of what Trump's victory in 2016 a woke people to is the fact that we've gotten very complacent about our politics the reason Trump won is because we've gotten so apathetic and so careless and mindless about politics we just expect politicians to do everything for us without any engagement ourselves so we don't volunteer we don't donate we don't follow the news we just we just say that's um that's somebody else's problem not my problem but democracy don't work that way if you want to run that kind of government then what you want is not to live in a democracy you want to live in a dictatorship in a dictatorship somebody else from above dictates to you how you should live but see you don't want that because if you live in that situation you quickly realize how terrible it is and you start to [ __ ] and whine and moan but the the flipside is that when you get your democracy which your ancestors have fought and died for and bled for to give you this democracy and then what you do is you are so apathetic that you can't even be bothered to vote in a primary election or to read a [ __ ] newspaper of some serious journalistic reporting rather than watching some some stupid partisan bickering back and forth on cable news you know if you're so apathetic and lazy that you're not going to do that you're so nihilistic that you think all government is bad assignment worth your time to study this stuff and it's it's a distraction well then you get exactly what you deserve see you're being irresponsible you're not really helping to pull government up by its bootstraps see it's not the case that only individuals pull themselves up by their bootstraps the government itself must do that as well and how does the government do that through your actions through your volunteering through your running for office and this can be a sense of life purpose speaking of life purpose is trying to help perpetuate conscious government and conscious politics the last few things that I think you should do is you should check out my book list and read the books all the books I don't have that many of them in the politics subcategory and in the systems-thinking subcategory and also about spire that image go read all those that will give you a decent foundation and then of course lastly what you need to do is you can't practice conscious politics unless you yourself elevate your consciousness so do all the stuff that I talked about normally with actualize an org actualize yourself transcend yourself awaken yourself new consciousness work meditate yoga all this sort of stuff purify yourself of your own devilry selfishness and corruption because corruption isn't just some force that exists out there perpetuated by some evil globalists corruption starts with you you are the corrupt one and if you don't work on yourself to get rid of your corruption then why would anybody else why would you expect anybody else to and that's how we come full circle from self-improvement and spirituality to politics and government and then all the way back to self-improvement and spirituality alright I'm done here please click the like button for me there and come check it actualize that org where you will find various resources including the blog the book list at the life purpose course the forum where we discussed this stuff I suggest you follow along on my blog because I post new insights and videos there that I share I'm gonna be posting more political examples so over the next month or two I will be sprinkling various political examples into my blog videos and so forth so that you get a better sense of how conscious politics intersects with self-improvement and what's really going on in the world today in the news and inner politics and then that's it for this series of course I could still say a lot more and I probably will have some more episodes about political topics maybe I'll talk about racism maybe I'll talk about gender issues maybe I'll talk about environmental issues in the future but overall we're returning back and I'm gonna be talking more about awakening talking more about self-improvement emotions love there's some amazing videos that are gonna be coming up in the future some very deep stuff that I haven't said yet and so I'm really glad that I got all this politics stuff out of the way because it's sort of been on my mind and in my heart for a while now for a few years and I've been kind of holding back because I was I was hesitant at first I didn't want to mix politics with spirituality because I thought like maybe that's too much of a distraction and it can be it definitely can be so be careful not to get too distracted by this stuff but also understand that we can't keep these things separate we can't not if you want a decent conscious government how do you expect government to be conscious if we never talk about spirituality and politics together can't happen so fear not we're coming back to original topics what you really signed up for but also I hope this has expanded your sense of understanding of spirituality and self-improvement you can see how how everything is so deeply interconnected that you can't really separate these things out and you can't just say well Leo I'm just gonna do self-improvement and focus on myself and screw everybody else and everything else that can work when you just get getting started that's fine you can do that for a few years but at some point you got to bring it back and got it start to tie it all together you're gonna start to see that you're part of this larger super organism you have some larger responsibilities that this is not a drag it's not a negative thing it's not something to be bummed out about this is actually an exciting opportunity for your life purpose and for ultimately your spiritual purpose which is to be an example of consciousness and love you